The hand - flying momentum based support dive hero specialized in repositioning to set up kills or save allies. swoop in, grab the guy, get out.


New member
Appearence: a white translucent gloved hand thats about as large as a basketball.

weapon: revolver style 6 shooter finger gun. very low attack speed and long reload but has high bullet damage and velocity.

600 HP 2 REGEN
0% bullet resist and spirit resist
sprint speed and move speed: Variable
Stamina: 2

Concept/lore: there are certain entities that feed on the admiration and love of their followers. without them their grip on the earthly realm grows weaker and weaker till eventually their forced back to the plane in which they came. "the hand" (whos actual name has been lost to time) was once a being more feared and powerful then even the patrons. as a last ditch attempt to prevent themselves from being completely expelled from reality they've decided to participate in the ritual. even if the patrons don't grant their wish it'll atleast buy them time to maybe, perhaps, hopefully find an alternative.

Innate ability: The hand floats at all times and can move in any direction it wants. moving in a single direction quickly boosts speed with no limit. turning does not cancel any previous momentum OR carry it. additionally the hand is immune to slows and knock-ups. stuns will not cancel momentum (you'll keep floating forward) however roots will. dodges give you a strong boost of speed in whatever direction your facing. movement speed bonuses increase acceleration speed. knockbacks cancel momentum and makes them accelerate in the direction they were knocked back in. also the hand can't be headshot nor can use wires.

try not to go too fast or you won't be able to stop...

1 - Abduct.
greatly increase acceleration for 1.5s. hitting a hero during this will grab them. rooting, silencing, and dragging them with you for 2.5 seconds. during this time the hand becomes red and grows in size to envelop the hero, any attacks from the abductee will hit the hand instead. the hand cannot attack during this ability.
30s CD

1. -50% damage taken from abductee
2. +0.5s duration
3. carry all momentum with you for 1.5s after using. (essentially gives full movement control. lets you do sharp turns or U turns.)

2 - Carry
Grab a targeted ally within melee range and carry them in your palm. for 5 seconds their surrounded by an impenetrable forcefield as the hand grows in size to become a platform only allies can walk on. doubletap to just become a platform for 10 seconds (no forcefield). the hand cannot attack during this ability. can be cancelled after 1 second by recasting.
45s CD
1. -10s CD
2. you accelerate faster during this skill.
3. allies standing on you get +50% faster fire rate and reload speed.

both carry and abduction are prematurely cancelled if the hand dies during them. also they arent cancelled by hard CC and the hand cant cast any other spells while using them except their ult.

3 - Flick
flick an enemy or ally within melee range. causes them to go flying in whatever direction the hand was looking at. Damages enemies and ministuns them for 0.5s.
40S CD
1. knockback is increased.
2. -20s cd
3. flicked allies get a shield for 5 seconds. flicked enemies get slowed by 50% for 3 seconds.

4 - star destroyer.
Plummets to the ground creating an explosion on impact that starts small but grows in size over its duration. deals damage overtime to those within it and slows them by 50%. duration and damage increases based on how high the hand fell from. if cast while abducting this scaling is doubled (because of the extra weight). abduction is cancelled upon impact. carry is cancelled the instant it's casted.
100s CD
1. explosion grows 25% faster
2. +2s duration
3. enemies the hand directly lands on while plummeting take a burst of damage and are stunned for 1.5s (always applies to whoever he's abducting)

their intended playstyle is to use their flying and speed to gank enemies from unexpected angles and get close enough. their damage is low so they require teamplay to shine.
-use flick to knock enemies into bad situations, peel, or help allies intiate or escape
-use abduction to carry enemies back to your team after properly positioning yourself. with flight the places you can take your victim are almost endless.
-use carry to save allies in teamfights, give your team a temporary vantage point. or quickly bring them to a different area.
-Star destroyer is their big initiation ability. but can also be used to quickly drag flying characters back to earth after abducting them.
-ultimate stylish combo is flicking an enemy directly up. hitting them with abduct. then slamming them back to the earth.
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-be careful with your speed. go too fast and you wont be able to turn at all. try and save your dashes to quickly change directions.