The Foreman


New member
Hello everyone,

Been brainstorming this hero in my head a bit and think I have a rudimentary idea of what I think would be a good addition to the game. Introducing "The Foreman". An old construction foreman who built most of the buildings in the map we know and love. Has had various parts of his body replaced by robotics over the year due to various accidents but overall is the same gruff person he has always been.

Here's the tentative abilities that I've thought of for him:

Base Gun is a nail gun.

Lunch Time: Throws a lunch pal on the ground that if any ally runs over, they will get a heal and some bullet resist. Possible inclusion would be making it so that if an enemy steps on it, it causes a quick knockdown effect so that it has both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Nail Them Down: A straight line skill shot that knocks a person back when hit and if they hit a wall produces a stun affect (or maybe just a "stay in place effect").

Hammer Swing: AoE ability used for farming and quick damage. I'm undecided on whether it should be a melee ranged aoe or a long range one. Might end up too similar to Frost Grenade.

(Ultimate) Overtime: An AoE ability that gives movement speed, temporary stamina, and increased shooting ability. It's 5 AP point upgrade could make it a global affect that allows it to hit all allies on the map no matter where they are. Useful for engaging or escaping, similar in theory to Centuar Warchief ult in Dota 2.

Other abilities that could replace the above:

Hammer Toss/throw: Just a straight up damaging ability that could either be a straight line skill shot of sorts or an AoE effect similar to Frost Grenade. Final skill upgrade could include a stun, but this isn't hard set in my mind. Just would be thematically appropriate. Other potential debuffs could be a "dazed/confused" effect where it make the person lose control of their character for a second as it wonders around confused.

Hammer Time: Surrounds the foreman with hammers that spin around him at a slow pace dealing damage to whatever is hit. Could have additional abilities like giving him a buff with each thing hit.

Quick Scaffolding: Able to build a small platform that they can stand on which acts as a mini-wall. When on top of it, gives them a buff of some sort (maybe bullet/spirit resist and some damage).

(Passive) Listen up Lackeys: Just being around the foreman causes his allies to be better workers. They can work longer (Health Regen), harder (damage or defensive buff), and faster (at AP 5 gives movement speed to anyone around him and himself).

(Passive) Building Rights: Due to being the one who built most of the buildings, The Foreman feels comfortable when inside a building (or the main base) and receives a passive that makes him better.

All in all, most of this is just wanting to have some fun with the theme of a old timey construction worker and the various abilities he might be able to have. Obviously everything I've mentioned could be tuned one way or the other but I'd leave that to the professionals.