The current baseline for hero power is too much


New member
At this point I have 135 hours played in this game and at this point I've just come to the conclusion that some heroes kit are just way too strong baseline. It ends up being not about you building out your character but rather "I have to play around them." Items like metal skin, curse and all these other items that are basically just a one trick pony to counter either a Wraith or Haze because they shoot hard. It just feels shitty that Wraith has an AS steroid AND a lift that makes her targets stand still.

I'd like to hear thoughts about your point of view because at this point it's just getting less and less fun because I have to play against and knowing these heroes have a point and click ult that will almost always kill you.
Welcome to DotaDeadlock, every hero is OP when feed and counter itemization is only natural, how else do you imagine it?

Bullet damage is currently the easy to mitigate compared to spirit damage.

Then there's no counter picking heroes and some heroes straight out don't have good counters yet.
I too would like that game had a slightly less steep power curve.
This is semi-FPS after all, getting ebin penta kills is either because enemy team screwed up majorly or there is something completely wrong with game balance (and really havent seen a true 1v6 sextakill 🍑💦, and thats a good thing). Dota is more numbers game than Deadlock because 50% of Deadlock is aim/reflex skill. Whereas dota is more precognition and knowledge skill.

Some games have lengthy back and forths and these are fun games, but some games are just smurf wraith dunking with macros on plebs and it just becomes a 30min waiting game before the next one.

Today I realised that a teamwipe done by one person in Deadlock would be called sextakill, lmao.