Thanatos (Hero Concept)


New member


Visually: A reaper like character with a long carbine rifle.

1: Nyxian Veil
Temporarily provides debuff reduction and movement speed. This is a “channeled” spell thus disabling the capability to shoot or use other spells. Additionally, a dark veil of darkness (smoke) follows Thanatos throughout the duration. Enemies are revealed to you if they’re in the smoke (works how a ping would). The smoke cover heavily obscures the area. If Thanatos is stunned during the duration, the ability ends early.
Duration: 4.0
Smoke Linger Duration: 10.0
Reveal Duration: 2.4
Movement speed: +2.0 m/s
Debuff reduction: 50%
CD: 28

2: Demeter's Blessing
Provides Thanatos, or an ally hero, temporary life in time of need. Puts a debuff on an ally, if an ally receives lethal damage during the duration of the debuff this ability triggers. Heroes that trigger this ability do not die immediately but rather have a delayed death. During this delay heroes are prohibited from using ultimates, and deal 50% less damage.
Debuff Duration: 3.5
Delayed Death Duration: 4.0
CD: 45

3: Pact of Hades
Your bullets do additional damage based on enemy’s max HP. This has a base amount and a stacking amount. Half effectiveness against structures. This damage is spirit damage. Headshots double the stacks.
Base amount: 0.4%
Stack Amount: 0.2%
Max Amount: 6.0%
Stack Duration: 14

R: Nemesis’s Judgement
Projectile. Once reached locks up an enemy, providing resist. After a delay does damage based on the enemy’s missing HP. Enemies killed with this ability provide Thanatos with a permanent 3 bullet and spirit damage.
Lock Up Duration: 2.4
Bullet/Spirit Resist: 40%
Damage per missing HP: 0.4
Cast Range: 4 meters
CD: 160


1: Nyxian Veil
+33% Slide speed and Distance
The first second provides complete debuff immunity and slow immunity.
Every second a hero (excluding Thanatos) is in the smoke, reduce CD by 1.

2. Demeter's Blessing
-15 sec CD
+25% healing during the debuff duration. +25% damage during death duration.
Heroes who trigger the blessing receive 25% less death timer.

3: Pact of Hades
+0.1%/0.05% Base/stack amount.
Heals for 25% of the damage done via Pact of Hades
Activatable: For 6 seconds each stack provides the same % HP as a bonus to Thanatos. (This bonus decays over the following 3 seconds) 18 sec CD

4: Nemesis’s Judgement
-30 sec CD, Doubled on a successful kill.
+8 meter cast range
Removes the resist provided to the enemy during judgement.

Decent starting HP and damage. Fairly slow fire rate, must acquire most fire rate through items. Some cool ideas for abilities. Thought I'd use Greek mythology as a theme.

Lemme know what you think.