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Hero design: Based on “spring heeled Jack”, this is a mad-man obsessed with getting the jump on foes for blood sport. Could also see Spider-Man’s Kraven for a more modern interpretation.
Gameplay: Actually heavily inspired by Left 4 Dead zombie abilities, this is a very mobile Hero meant to leap in and out of combat. If you loved the Hunter, you’ll like this guy.
Gameplay design: nightstalker-ish ganker translated into deadlock with extreme vertical movement. lifesteal and movement buffs in kits meaning he can be anywhere on the map to pick people off 1v1. could imagine some funny stuff with mighty leap up on rooftops into actual leap to nab ulting sevens, and what have you.
Ability 1: Smokescreen - 35s CD, 6s duration.
"Throws a smoke grenade that narrows enemy hero vision, reduces enemy fire rate and weapon damage. Wild Hunt obtains bonuses to damage amplification while in smoke."
20% damage amplification, fire rate -20%., weapon damage -15%
debuff duration 6s
1. -10s CD reduction
2. debuff duration +4s
3. +15% damage amplification.
Ability Concept: Utility nade ability that enables nasty ganks, farming, you name it.
Ability 2: Furious Hunter - 30s CD, 6s duration.
"When activated, all of Jack’s melee damage against all enemies heals for 40 and 10% of damage done and removes light melee movement speed penalty."
1. +4s duration
2. Heal bonus against enemies increases by 40 (coming to about 80).
3. +20% m/s bonus.
Ability Concept: Self buff for melee/sustain, obvious synergy with lifestrike and etc.
Ability 3: Paralyzing Breathe - 35s CD
"Jack lets out a wave of horrific gas, damaging and slowing enemies."
55 spirit damage, -20% movement slow.
5s debuff duration.
1. +40 damage.
2. +10% movespeed slow
3. -15s CD
Ability Concept: close-range AOE cone ability to help pick enemies, slow enemy team, push waves, farm, etc.
Ability 4: Pounce - 30s CD
"Leaping from the ground, Wild Hunt launches himself into the air. If Wild Hunt lands on an enemy hero, they are knocked down, stunned, and damaged from a channeled ability. Channeled ability receives an initial damage bonus from longer the height."
100 Spirit DPS.
3s channel duration
1. -15s CD
2. Landing a channeled attack now includes a AOE knockup a small radius around impact.
3. +2s channel duration
Ability concept: Signature ability. Straight out of L4D, Jack is able to leap around the battlefield and with this ability leveled, is able to enter a prolonged channeled state on enemies that deals devastating damage. At level 2 even includes some CC to promote usage in teamfights or against enemies that believe they are safe in pairs.
Default weapon/fire: good ol’ blunderbus. Close range fighter, and bit of a glass cannon to compensate for extreme mobility and juking opportunities.
Flavor dialogue: “A swift death is the most gentle, you should be thankful it went so painlessly…HEH.”
Gameplay: Actually heavily inspired by Left 4 Dead zombie abilities, this is a very mobile Hero meant to leap in and out of combat. If you loved the Hunter, you’ll like this guy.
Gameplay design: nightstalker-ish ganker translated into deadlock with extreme vertical movement. lifesteal and movement buffs in kits meaning he can be anywhere on the map to pick people off 1v1. could imagine some funny stuff with mighty leap up on rooftops into actual leap to nab ulting sevens, and what have you.
Ability 1: Smokescreen - 35s CD, 6s duration.
"Throws a smoke grenade that narrows enemy hero vision, reduces enemy fire rate and weapon damage. Wild Hunt obtains bonuses to damage amplification while in smoke."
20% damage amplification, fire rate -20%., weapon damage -15%
debuff duration 6s
1. -10s CD reduction
2. debuff duration +4s
3. +15% damage amplification.
Ability Concept: Utility nade ability that enables nasty ganks, farming, you name it.
Ability 2: Furious Hunter - 30s CD, 6s duration.
"When activated, all of Jack’s melee damage against all enemies heals for 40 and 10% of damage done and removes light melee movement speed penalty."
1. +4s duration
2. Heal bonus against enemies increases by 40 (coming to about 80).
3. +20% m/s bonus.
Ability Concept: Self buff for melee/sustain, obvious synergy with lifestrike and etc.
Ability 3: Paralyzing Breathe - 35s CD
"Jack lets out a wave of horrific gas, damaging and slowing enemies."
55 spirit damage, -20% movement slow.
5s debuff duration.
1. +40 damage.
2. +10% movespeed slow
3. -15s CD
Ability Concept: close-range AOE cone ability to help pick enemies, slow enemy team, push waves, farm, etc.
Ability 4: Pounce - 30s CD
"Leaping from the ground, Wild Hunt launches himself into the air. If Wild Hunt lands on an enemy hero, they are knocked down, stunned, and damaged from a channeled ability. Channeled ability receives an initial damage bonus from longer the height."
100 Spirit DPS.
3s channel duration
1. -15s CD
2. Landing a channeled attack now includes a AOE knockup a small radius around impact.
3. +2s channel duration
Ability concept: Signature ability. Straight out of L4D, Jack is able to leap around the battlefield and with this ability leveled, is able to enter a prolonged channeled state on enemies that deals devastating damage. At level 2 even includes some CC to promote usage in teamfights or against enemies that believe they are safe in pairs.
Default weapon/fire: good ol’ blunderbus. Close range fighter, and bit of a glass cannon to compensate for extreme mobility and juking opportunities.
Flavor dialogue: “A swift death is the most gentle, you should be thankful it went so painlessly…HEH.”
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