T4 Vitality Active Item: Chaotic Retrogress


New member
Chaotic Retrogress
- 6200 souls cost
- Vitality Item
+20% Weapon Damage
+150 Bonus Health
+12 Spirit Power

Active (240s Cooldown) - Reverts the negative effects and health of you and nearby Heroes (allies AND enemies) to reflect health and negative effects from 10s ago. For every ally nearby, only you gain +0.5m/s movement speed for 5s. For every enemy nearby, only you gain +3% Bullet Resist, +3% Spirit Resist and +8% Debuff resist for 5s.
Cannot be used while Stunned or Slept.
5s Buff Duration
15.0m Radius (Maybe should be bigger)
3 Regen Duration

A dumb item to potentially allow for a reset mid duel or just throw a monkey wrench into a team fight that's going bad (or mistime it and now your allies abilities are stuck in cooldown, and all of a sudden its bad for you). Potentially allows for a player to punish enemies for drawing out the fight and not killing you first, by drawing out the fight even more. Counter abilities like Pocket ult, Warden Flask, Seven's Static Charge, Vindicta Ult (if it doesn't outright kill you),etc.