T3 Tower ideas


Personally I feel the T3 towers to be underwhelming, especially after the progression from the T1 guardian to T2 walkers. The base itself is fine though I think the shrines could get a more interesting model too.

If the T3 double guardians were to be replaced with something else that gives a climactic feeling to breaking into the enemy base what ideas do you have for potential options.

As one idea I think an animatronic dragon (or dragons if we still want 2) coming out of the wall of the base similar to what La Maison de la Magie Robert-Houdin in Blois, France could be a cool without necessitating that they are bigger than the walkers.

I want tier 3 tower to have like fogged path or fogged gate into tower hit range for the attacker but see thru for the defender, just like high ground fog tier 3 tower in dota. So either they commit on pushing the tower or just dont, giving a better spot and chance for the defender who desperately need them to defend their base.
Я думаю, что T3 следует заменить одним большим охранником на каждом входе, не как T2, а здоровым покемоном, который может заставить вас страдать, если вы решите убить его в одиночку. Я также думаю, что T3 и сама база должны быть подняты по лестнице, чтобы она была выше (как T1 или похоже на Dota2 высокая земля)
I think T3 should be replaced with one big guard at each entrance, not like T2 but a healthy pokemon that can make you suffer if you decide to kill it alone. I also think T3 and the base itself should be raised up a ladder so it is higher (like T1 or similar to Dota2 high ground)
A full gate with stationary turrets would be cool. Make it so you can't get into the enemy base on foot before destroying that lane's gate.
Как вариант, идея неплохая, но нежизнеспособная. Суть в том, что нужно что-то, что если твоя команда облажается, будет иметь возможность защищаться. У меня был рекордный каток, где мы проиграли за 8(!) минут Карл
As an option, the idea is not bad, but not viable. The point is that you need something that if your team screws up, will have the ability to defend. I had a record rink, where we lost in 8(!) minutes Karl
i posted this on the subreddit but it's on topic here, so here's a little something:

The Rook and the Warlock, a tank and caster to protect the stronghold. Each painstakingly forged from dozens of destroyed troopers, guardians, and walkers, and held together by the magic of hundreds of souls.

Gameplay Ideas would be the Rook, must die before the warlock can take damage as he defends the warlock who is attacking you, or the team should rush to kill the damage-dealing warlock first since he's more dangerous and then spend the time killing the Rook.

slork for scale
