Switching to Abrahms and Buying an Item Sandbox Crash

Can confirm that I've also experienced this crash. I was also able to cause it by buying Rescue Beam, where the game would crash once I tried to assign the active ability to a key.
can confirm this happened to me as well, tested twice

sandbox on 1 hero
switch to abrams
max abilities
crash on buying item
Ran into this too so I tested it for the past 15mins, and sure enough every time you change hero in sandbox from any other hero to Abrams, and then try to buy something, the game crashes.

I tested through all the other heroes too and it only happens with Abrams. It doesn't happen if you select Abrams from the main menu, only when you have initially selected anyone else. Doesn't matter what item builds you have selected. Doesn't matter if you try to buy on Abrams immediately or wait 30 seconds after changing hero.

Might be related to this, I don't know, but seems similar.

I copied the project8_[datetime]_accessviolation files, so I can send them any time if requested. IDK if these accessviolation files for sure are dumps, if have identifying information or how to check that so I just copied them to another place for now.
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as of 12:00 PM PST Sept 16
Bug description:
Swapping to Abrams after spawning him in the sandbox and buying Bullet/Spirit armor causes crash to desktop (CTD) with no error code.

IMPORTANT: If player first selects Abrams when entering the sandbox, spawns a bot Abrams, takes control of the bot, and buys items the game does NOT crash.

My additional observations today, in sandbox:

  1. Abrams as a player character, has no issues buying items.
  2. Abrams as a player character, spawned non Abrams bot, swapped to bot and am able to buy items as normal.
  3. As another character (tested/Vendicta/Hayze/Dynamo) spawn in Abrams as enemy, Swap to Abrams, tested buying either spirit armor or bullet armor game crashes (CTD) no error code. (Note: Did not try with other items)

Observation: Usually when swapping control in sandbox there is an (animation?) effect of the character jittering until the swap is complete. This animation does not appear as drastically with Abrams. For the first 1-2 seconds given movement commands Abrams seems to skate (slide with no animation) along the ground for longer then other characters (anecdotally).
as of 12:00 PM PST Sept 16
Bug description:
Swapping to Abrams after spawning him in the sandbox and buying Bullet/Spirit armor causes crash to desktop (CTD) with no error code.

IMPORTANT: If player first selects Abrams when entering the sandbox, spawns a bot Abrams, takes control of the bot, and buys items the game does NOT crash.

My additional observations today, in sandbox:

  1. Abrams as a player character, has no issues buying items.
  2. Abrams as a player character, spawned non Abrams bot, swapped to bot and am able to buy items as normal.
  3. As another character (tested/Vendicta/Hayze/Dynamo) spawn in Abrams as enemy, Swap to Abrams, tested buying either spirit armor or bullet armor game crashes (CTD) no error code. (Note: Did not try with other items)

Observation: Usually when swapping control in sandbox there is an (animation?) effect of the character jittering until the swap is complete. This animation does not appear as drastically with Abrams. For the first 1-2 seconds given movement commands Abrams seems to skate (slide with no animation) along the ground for longer then other characters (anecdotally).

"Abrams as a player character, has no issues buying items."

Except when you swap to him from another character, not as swapping to control a bot, but through tab/esc -> change hero. This is what I and OP referred to. There seems to also be crashing when swapping with control bot. And in both cases it crashes no matter what item you buy. So I'm quite sure that the main cause is somehow that you first control another character when hopping into sandbox, then swap to Abrams by either means, and try to buy any item. Maybe it only loads something that Abrams needs in particular, when the map is loading, but not when you change hero?