Support/Tank Item which binds you to another player for bonus utility


Description: An active item that connects you to another player on your team and gives the selected player bonus stats, but only if he is near you. When activating the item you can select a player near you (like the bebop bomb) and you are then linked to the player (either that or you can select a player after purchase like selecting a ability for after purchasing a item). If you are now close enaught to the player, he will either receive bonus stats or you will tank a percentage of the damage he receives.

Let me cook: Instead of the player getting bonus stats, you can swap positions with the player when you reactivate the item if they are close enough to you. So you can either save a carry that has been cached by an opponent and sacrifice yourself or, for example, start the fight as the initiator and then switch with a Seven or Haze, who then uses their ult.