Support Character Idea


New member
Im not a lore guy but I thought of a kit that I think would be really cool.

1 - Give and take. 2 modes, activate to switch. Give - headshots create a resistence circle like dynamos healing around you that grows the more headshots you hit and increases your bullet and spirit resist, but it debuffs your dmg the more headshots you hit, at max stacks it would be tickle damage. Take - increase resistences of you and teammates per headshots in the same range circle as give but amps your dmg per headshot. Upgrades could include adding some healing to give, or reducing/ increasing resistence to give and take.
2 - Heal nades. activating this changes your primary fire to healing nades (think baptiste from overwatch). its active for x bullets, y seconds, or until cancel. Can be used to sustain yourself or teammate in a fight stall for time. upgrades can increase healing, bullets, time, or spirit scaling.
3 - Targetable for yourself or teammates damage defer for 3 seconds. Think shiv bloodletting but it is an active that you cast on yourself or allies that would defer the damage you take over the next seconds over the next y seconds. Upgrades could include cooldown reduction or duration increase or % of dmg deffered.
4 - Damage spread. All incoming damage is split evenly among all teammates around you in a set range for a period of time. Kinda of like Ivy's tether in connecting to nearby teammates but it connects to all in range. This prevents one character from being targetted and bursted and can save teammates, its not great with 2 teammates, but would be really strong in a teamfight. Not sure how to upgrade this ability.

I am curious what you all think!