Stuck paused and music fade-in-out


New member
I am a new player. When I tried the tutorial sandbox, I was told to buy something from the shop as the 6th and final step in the tutorial. I selected a popular build, and then purchased an item from the build. I then could not purchase a second item. I exited the shop menu to find the game paused. I checked the hotkey settings, and found Pause was set to "P", so i pressed it. It counted down from 3, but got stuck at 1. The whole time, music was fading in and out. I could not move. I relaunched the game, and the fadin-in-out continuted on the intro. It did not continue when sandbox was relaunched.

NixOS, with Linux 6.6.35.
Ryzen 3 3600
Radeon 6700XT
A320M chipset