New member
Repro steps:
Joined match right after match start
Game glitched and kicked me back to lobby
Clicked "rejoin"
Game spawned me in, but I was located at the pre-game area where the teams line up before the match (geometry outside of the stage, obv)
I walked off the side and fell below the stage
It respawned me inside the teleporter on the far east near yellow
On pause menu, "unstuck" and "suicide" buttons did nothing
Exited Deadlock client
Relaunched Deadlock client
Clicked "rejoin"
Still stuck in yellow teleporter, but now with no visible character mesh
Could shoot shots and projectiles out from teleporter, but could not escape closed teleporter
Eventually got tired begging enemy team to come kill me and left the match, taking the penalty
Joined match right after match start
Game glitched and kicked me back to lobby
Clicked "rejoin"
Game spawned me in, but I was located at the pre-game area where the teams line up before the match (geometry outside of the stage, obv)
I walked off the side and fell below the stage
It respawned me inside the teleporter on the far east near yellow
On pause menu, "unstuck" and "suicide" buttons did nothing
Exited Deadlock client
Relaunched Deadlock client
Clicked "rejoin"
Still stuck in yellow teleporter, but now with no visible character mesh
Could shoot shots and projectiles out from teleporter, but could not escape closed teleporter
Eventually got tired begging enemy team to come kill me and left the match, taking the penalty