Stuck at the home end of the zip line


New member
Deadlock baby player here. Apologies if this has been addressed before; I did a search but couldn't find a match.

I tried to jump off the zip line when returning to base and managed to jump into the opening. I didn't know better and thought this might be the fastest way to the shop. Well - it wasn't. And I couldn't get out anymore. I was stuck in the little hole and could see the zipline starting point. I could see out a little bit, but despite jumping in I wasn't able to get out, Tried jumping, sliding, all sorts of angles. Oops.

This may not be a bug but thought I'd leave this here in case it's unintended. Attaching a screenshot in case the description is a bit confusing.

Thanks for all your hard work!


  • DeadlockStuckZipline.jpg
    297.9 KB · Views: 7
Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. I did try to re-enter the zipline and go out the way I came in, but to no avail. Your videos shows that clearly it is possible, so I'll put that down to my lack of skills. I was already surprised that I managed to enter the zipline spawn area mid-flight at my first attempt (sadly the joy didn't last long), so perfectly plausible that I just lacked the skills to get out again. :D