Strange crashes with error and client side not showing bullets, knifes or ammo count


New member
Game crashed multiple times during game 25035740, playing as Shiv. After reconnecting after the first crash to desktop (after video 1), I couldn't see my bullets, knifes or current ammo count on client side until Paradox tagged me with her 3rd ability, Kinetic Carbine. Client side bugs persisted even through crashes and reconnect as seen in video 2, but were fixed at the end of video 3. Second crash showed the error "unrec stream cmd 27638 6bf6", alongside a black screen.

First crash happens at 37:21 IGT
Second crash happens at 44:49 IGT
PS: I have changed out the hitsounds for quake ones, though I doubt this is the reason for the crashes

View attachment Deadlock - 2024-10-27 14-17-36.mp4
Video 1: 10 seconds before first crash
View attachment Deadlock - 2024-10-27 14-00-23.mp4
Video 2: Post crash recon doesn't fix issue
View attachment Deadlock - 2024-10-27 14-12-25.mp4
Video 3: Getting tagged by Paradox's Kinetic Carbine fixes the broken state.
"Error: unrec stream cmd 27638 6bf6"