Spirit Strike upgrade: Body Slam


Active member
I know there's lots of suggestions for a Spirit Strike upgrade, but I thought I'd post my own idea for one:

Cost: 3000 souls
Component: Spirit Strike
Type: Spirit
Passive Stats:
+120 Spirit Shield Health
+18% Melee damage

Passive Effect 1: Spirit Strike's normal Passive

Passive Effect 2: Body Slam
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

When you Dash to the ground you cause an explosion around you, immediately dealing light melee damage along with additional Spirit Damage. Enemies hit have reduced Spirit resist and are have their movement, slide, and dash speed slowed for 5 seconds.

-Bonus Spirit damage: 150 (+.6 damage per Spirit)
-Spirit Resist reduction: 15%
-Movement, slide, and dash slow: 25%
What counts as a dash to the ground? Abrams ult? Lash's ground pound? Ivy's Stone form? Fathom's Breach? Holliday's Bounce Pad? a double ctrl click to dash to ground?
What counts as a dash to the ground? Abrams ult? Lash's ground pound? Ivy's Stone form? Fathom's Breach? Holliday's Bounce Pad? a double ctrl click to dash to ground?
The dash to the ground (as described on the deadlock wiki) is specifically double pressing crouch in the air to dash to the ground.
Requiring downdash would make it kinda janky to use. What if it was an active item that made you drop like a sack of bricks?
You do bring up a valid point that requiring down dash is a bit awkward, but there's a number of reasons that I made it that way.

1.) It fits thematically with Spirit strike, which enhances your melee attacks and doesn't give a new button to push.

2.) If it were activatable it would bear too much similarity to Cold Front.

3.) Having it require down dash encourages players to learn and understand a lesser used mechanic.

All of that said, I do agree that as presented, it doesn't really offer much in new or interesting mechanics (besides letting anyone drop in from the top rope, not just Lash). Here's a revised version that I think helps with the jankiness a bit and I think gives it a unique niche:

Item: Body Slam
Cost: 3000 souls
Component: Spirit Strike
Type: Spirit
Passive Stats:
+90 Spirit Shield Health
+15% Melee damage
+1 Stamina
+30% Jump Height and Slide Speed

Passive Effect 1: Spirit Strike's normal Passive

Passive Effect 2: Body Slam
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

When you Dash to the ground you cause an explosion around you, immediately dealing light melee damage along with additional Spirit Damage. Enemies hit have reduced Spirit resist and are have their movement, slide, and dash speed slowed for 5 seconds.

-Bonus Spirit damage: 150 (+.6 damage per Spirit)
-Spirit Resist reduction: 15%
-Movement, slide, and dash slow: 25%
-14m Radius

I put the sections I changed in Bold.
3.) Having it require down dash encourages players to learn and understand a lesser used mechanic.
It's rarely used or learned because it's very niche compared to the other movement options. If it was a must-know, then it wouldn't be somewhat obscure. An item that improves slide turning speed would be fun, but jump height would actually harm movement more than it would help. Air control is very limited in this game, so it would actually make jumping riskier to use in combat. Also, it would interfere with trying to bhop/slidehop around doorways and corridors.
There's also a lot of nitpicks about the stat numbers, but the item concept matters more than the small things. What if it made downdashing free on a CD like Kinetic Dash?
2.) If it were activatable it would bear too much similarity to Cold Front.
If you're concerned about that, it's already got a lot of similarity to lifestrike and slowing hex. I'm not sure what could be used instead of another slow, but I do really want to see a ground pound item.
It's rarely used or learned because it's very niche compared to the other movement options. If it was a must-know, then it wouldn't be somewhat obscure. An item that improves slide turning speed would be fun, but jump height would actually harm movement more than it would help. Air control is very limited in this game, so it would actually make jumping riskier to use in combat. Also, it would interfere with trying to bhop/slidehop around doorways and corridors.
There's also a lot of nitpicks about the stat numbers, but the item concept matters more than the small things. What if it made downdashing free on a CD like Kinetic Dash?

If you're concerned about that, it's already got a lot of similarity to lifestrike and slowing hex. I'm not sure what could be used instead of another slow, but I do really want to see a ground pound item.
All pretty valid points.

I could be convinced that it would make ground dashing free like Kinetic dash does for dash jump. I think the item, in order to be an effective Ground Pound effect, has 2 questions to answer:

1.) What effect works well for someone who just performed a Ground Pound to follow up with?

2.) What support does a Ground Pound need to be an effective combat maneuver?

For the First one, I would think that someone doing a Ground Pound would want 3 things: a.) faster CD on their Melee items (Resetting the CD on Lifestrike/Spirit Strike would be really handy) and b.) getting/keeping enemies close, finally c.) Faster melee attacks

So applying a slow to affected targets is generally pretty good along with improved Spirit Resist reduction is good, but I could see the Body slam effect just applying damage and doing either:

a.) Pulls enemies towards you

b.) Increasing movement and Melee speed

As for the support needed to make Ground Pound style attacks effective, I think they are at their best when used sparingly or else you need so much support for it that you end up needing an entire Hero kit to support it, like Lash's.

To that end, I think we could actually increase the effectiveness of the Body Slam passive, but increase it's CD as well without negatively impacting it all that much.

So let's try another version: (I like to iterate a lot. I find you end up with the best results that way)

Item: Body Slam
Cost: 3000 souls
Component: Spirit Strike
Type: Spirit
Passive Stats:
+90 Spirit Shield Health
+15% Melee damage
+1 Stamina

Passive Effect 1: Spirit Strike's normal Passive

Passive Effect 2: Body Slam
Cooldown: 35 Seconds

Dashing to the ground no longer costs Stamina to you, and you cause an explosion around you on landing, immediately dealing light melee damage along with additional Spirit Damage. Enemies hit are pulled closer to you, and you gain increased Movement speed, melee attack speed, and Stamina regeneration for 12 seconds.

-Bonus Spirit damage: 200 (+1 damage per Spirit)
-Movement speed and Melee attack speed Increase: 15%
-Pull distance: 5m
-Increased Stamina Regeneration: 30%
-14m radius

Honestly, since the item is only supposed to be 3k it's probably too much, but they are ideas and sorting through what should and shouldn't be kept is something that can be hammered out.