Spirit Snatch is bugged and can "lock itself out" by being applied twice (I think)


In Sandbox at least:

If I hit someone with it, I get the buff (stat steal) for 16s. If I wait for the buff to expire, and then hit the target with it again, I get the buff again. So far so good.

But if I hit the same the target a second time (after the 6s cooldown but before the buff expires), then once the buff expires I can't get the buff back by punching that target again unless I wait for a bit. Possibly for 16 seconds, I don't know. So I don't fully understand the bug, but there it is.

Edit: The "lock out" time is less long than I thought. e.g. I just punched the target one time to apply the buff initially, a second time to trigger the bug, then I waited for the buff to expire and punched after it expired (which didn't reapply the buff), but then after another 6 seconds (the cooldown of the item) I punched again and got the buff. (To be clear: each time I was sure that the item was off cooldown and it DID proc the magic damage, just not the stat steal effects).

Edit 2: I tested it again and this time got locked out for longer (e.g. 3 hits in a row that didn't proc the stat steal, then I gave up so I don't know how many hits in a row I could've done without getting the effect, maybe it locks out indefinitely if you keep punching) so I don't have a consistent understanding of what's going on here, except that it's definitely bugging out and not re-applying the steal when it should, and that it's definitely triggered by trying to activate it again while the initial buff is active.
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The bug is that reusing spirit snatch refreshes the enemy's debuff but not the user's buff, and you can only get the buff from an enemy that does not have the debuff.