Spirit/Burst Yamato feels weak later

Exort Enjoyer

New member
Maybe Yamato 1 could use successive stacking damage like SF Raze.
- Only stacks and procs extra damage on full charge could make it more interesting/balanced
- 10 sec timing window means early game you have to start next slash within .5 sec of it coming of CD
Don't know if I agree with this. 700ish damage late game can damn near instantly shred enemies that don't rely on defenses (which are a lot of options). It's like Lion from Dota; yes - there is the promise of big damage, but in reality late game most opponents will be armed against it making it feel weak. However - if you do hit the right target (like a carry), they will regret walking into your cast range. I think that's well balanced.

It's also one of, if not the biggest Reverb efficient abilities in the game.