Shifting Damage Thresholds on Yamato Power Slash


Early game, I feel pretty weird popping a squat to get 68 damage off of sword slash. Yamato 1-attack offers you +50% damage on a wait, and +150% damage on a longer wait. This is 68 -> 102 -> 170 game start. I can shuriken bomb a guy for 70. Let's assume 33% headshots (this is low if you assume high MMR). That's 37 damage a shot on average from the shuriken. Two shurikens to do more damage than 68, and in the same time.

Ah, but Yamato 1-attack pierces. Fair. You can get a cheeky multi-trooper with it, or hit two dudes. Card AOE's. Grenades AOE. Arrows have width. General AOE abilities. Arc abilities. Personally, I'm not seeing the "we gotta curb this" factor of pierce demanding lower damage.

First, I'd like more incremental thresholds. 1.5 seconds is a long time to stand still in a game where people die near instantly end game. Bullet resist, I get it. Tell that to the abilities you can be trading against.

Second, I just want the starting point to be higher. 100, 128, 170. 60%, 75%, 100%. Heck you can even keep the 68 (40%) if you want, but make it a true instant cast.

I just plain don't like sword slash. Feels weird as hell, liking the rest of the character. When the moves don't bug out. And the damage scales correctly. Sword slash demands you feed it 1000 early souls and 2500 more later souls (mystic burst, extra spirit -> improved burst). Other abilities get better, certainly, but they aren't poop compared to direct attacking right out the gate. Early game yamato has a really weird sense of "I could have been bombing/punching/spamming right now". If you build early weapon and vit, sworld slash just kinda sits there as a troop multi-hit (oppurtunity cost vs punching) or a under-tower poke. It definitely becomes more important when you're losing, for poke.

68 true instant (if you can code it), 100 for where 68 is now, 128 170. 40 (instant)->60->75->100%. Don't think I'm breaking any banks here. Just picking up the usability of the button for more builds.


As a final note, it feels super duper poopers to charge 99% of the way to the 102 damage tick and then only do 68 damage. If nothing else, at least a true high-tick arc on the increase.
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