Spellslinger Headshots Gives Double the Amp and Lifesteal

The item says it gives 8% amp and 18% spirit lifesteal against the target you're shooting (ignoring the headshots part), identical to the Soul Shredder Bullets passive, but it gives DOUBLE those bonuses, double the amp and double the lifesteal. It's been like this for weeks and people keep saying it's somehow "intended", but it's not. Either the item description should be updated to match the actual numbers that are happening in game, or the numbers in game need to be adjusted to actually match the item description.

I'm guessing the issue is that when you buy Spellslinger Headshots, the passive doesn't replace the Soul Shredder Bullets passive, but is just added to your passives besides the Soul Shredder Bullets one, doubling the amp and lifesteal.

The item says it gives 8% amp and 18% spirit lifesteal against the target you're shooting (ignoring the headshots part), identical to the Soul Shredder Bullets passive, but it gives DOUBLE those bonuses, double the amp and double the lifesteal. It's been like this for weeks and people keep saying it's somehow "intended", but it's not. Either the item description should be updated to match the actual numbers that are happening in game, or the numbers in game need to be adjusted to actually match the item description.

I'm guessing the issue is that when you buy Spellslinger Headshots, the passive doesn't replace the Soul Shredder Bullets passive, but is just added to your passives besides the Soul Shredder Bullets one, doubling the amp and lifesteal.

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so you are saying you are getting the passive of soul shredder aaaand the passive of spell slinger? interesting.
Wait, I thought that's a feature. Was it not something known? Pretty sure I saw a video on YouTube about a week ago talking about it being added in some patch.
It's not a feature, the item description says 8% amp and 18% lifesteal, but it gives 16% amp and 36% lifesteal, the Soul Shredder Bullets passive is being duplicated when you buy Spellslinger.

If it's intended that you get that amount of amp and lifesteal they need to update the item description, if not then they need to fix the amp and lifesteal duplication.
Personaly, I think there is no problem with it giving double the values. The item is too weak without it(even with double values nobody buys it 😂).
is it possible no one is buying it because they are unaware that it gives double the passive because the tooltip doesnt reflect that?

Is it also possible it was a shadow change they made, or even a bug the purposefully left in, in order to test to see how that sort of buff to the item would effect the game state?