Sparks (Inspired by doom plasma gun)


New member
Sparks is a high mobility hero, with limitations.

Sparks shoots plasma just like the doom game's gun. The projectiles however are slower.

When sparks comes into contact with their own plasma they gain additional speed and damage, consuming the projectile.

Their gun can overload, creating a strong short range aoe shock.

So here's the break down of abilities.

1. Ride the lightning

This is explained above, but you gain movement speed and damage moving through your own plasma.

This buff is denoted under a resource called "Charge".

You can activate the ability to fire the overcharged bolt of your gun. Expends charge.

2. Hail

This ability changes the speed of your projectiles, and is a toggled ability. It costs charge to activate. Speeds up your gun's projectiles.

3. Zap!
This ability changes depending on your charge

You gain the ability to knock back an enemy based on your charge. They can be positioned into more of your bullet's way. Charge adds distance to knockback.

4. Static!
You shock an enemy with an attack, they take a dot effect of damage, that attacks nearby allies, including creep. The static could leap from your waves of projectiles to near by enemies...or it could simply be a targeted ability, with a skillshot. If we really wanted to get old school, it would act like the plasma rifles in unreal tournament where you detonate one of your projectiles causing the effect for those in the least I believe that was the plasma gun.

The idea of the buff is to need to path through your own bullets, costing you potential damage (or conversely using wasted ammo spent trying to pin people into a position) painting your path, and routing it as your wave of projectiles move in real time.

I think this would be fun.
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One ability idea I've thought of is, using a half life 2 style guided laser type effect to weave the path while in flight. Might be worth a redesign. But eh I'm gonna get gaming.