Sound bug after latest patch (05-30-2024 Update)


New member
After few second allsound slow down and you can hear typical buzz from the bitrate of the sound.
Every sound effect is affected, voice chat included.
You can reset the sound by going to settings and swapping from from headphones to any other setting but it comes back after few seconds again.
I tried playing the game with admin rights and using diffrent priorities for the game process (i'm on windows 10) to no avail.
I'm not using default sound device form my motherboard but focusrite scarlett 2i2, sample rate 48k at 256 buffer, maybe its partialy the issue source, it tends to behave somewhat inconsistently in some apps.
Hi @Sztig - Thanks for reporting. We've sometimes experienced issues with sample rates other 44.1khz. Would you mind switching your clock and seeing if that helps?
Hi @Sztig - Thanks for reporting. We've sometimes experienced issues with sample rates other 44.1khz. Would you mind switching your clock and seeing if that helps?
I was using the same audio interface, with 44.1khz sample rate and had a similar issue. Had to mute my game to play the match.
After swaping to 44.1k it was still happening, then I switched the audio setting from 2 speakers to headphones and it seems to be working for now, tho it's only in sanbox mode. Then i quit, donwloaded the small patch and now I can't reproduce the issue anymore.
I will need to play a match or two to verify it's gone for good so I will come back to this thread in a bit with more info.
Reporting same issue here (since very last patch) using a Scarlett 2i2 [3rd Gen] audio interface. Garbled audio using 48khz, I'll try 44.1khz and report back.
We think we've shipped a fix which should apply next time you update your client. Please let us know if it's resolved. Thanks again!