Soul Shredder Bullets applying spirit amp randomly


New member
How does Soul Shredder bullets know what damage to amplify?

I noticed that when it is being amplified that it turns blue in the damage numbers correct? But it seems to only work very randomly for almost all heroes. The way that it's worded, I assumed that it would amplify all forms of spirit damage, but it doesn't seem to work properly in most cases. It looks like the debuff gets stuck too, where you can see the purple haze applied to hero's that never goes away despite not shooting them after the 5 seconds.

For example, with Infernus I assumed that it would amplify has passive burn for every tick, but it only seems to work on random ticks. Sometimes buying items like escalating exposure makes the amplification work on more ticks too. However, for heroes like Yamato, the amplification is more consistent yet still sometimes doesn't apply when it should.

View attachment infernusbug.mp4