Soul Rend


New member
Tier 4 Spirit Item, upgrades from Tier 1 Spirit Strike

- 400 Spirit Shield Health
- 10 Health Regen
- +50% Melee Damage
- +20% Gun Damage

Effect: On charged melee strike, silence an enemy for 5 seconds. At the end of the silence, the enemy takes 50% of the damage they took during the silence again, as spirit damage. Cooldown of 20 Seconds.

For those in the know, this is basically just Bloodthorn, but I figured it was more interesting to make it a melee spirit item upgrade to the lonely Tier 1 than make it point and click like Bloodthorn in Dota. Really use the new systems the game provides.
honestly I'd double the CD put make it any melee, otherwise you lose the boost that Spirit Strike gives, maybe change the 20% GD for a boost to spirit power
honestly I'd double the CD put make it any melee, otherwise you lose the boost that Spirit Strike gives, maybe change the 20% GD for a boost to spirit power
Could maybe give it a stat of - First Melee reduces the enemies Spirit Resist by 15% for duration, so it doesn’t lose the entirety of the base effect of Spirit Strike (Escalating Exposure has a similar stat of reducing spirit resist on your first hit) but I don’t like the idea of making it work off light melee, as that is so fast to do to proc such a strong effect.
5 sec silence and you actually have to hit it? Its bad. Also its countered by a lot of other items. Not worth it.
Numbers are always placeholder, because they will change based on balance. Only 3 items would counter it: Metal Skin, Debuff Remover, and Unstoppable. Those are all significant investments, and have a lot less uptime than every 20 seconds before cooldown.
Numbers are always placeholder, because they will change based on balance. Only 3 items would counter it: Metal Skin, Debuff Remover, and Unstoppable. Those are all significant investments, and have a lot less uptime than every 20 seconds before cooldown.
Actually I don’t know if Metal Skin would counter it, I know it makes you immune to melees, but I don’t know if it actually makes you immune to the extra effect of Spirit Strike. So it might only be debuff remover and unstoppable.
Actually I don’t know if Metal Skin would counter it, I know it makes you immune to melees, but I don’t know if it actually makes you immune to the extra effect of Spirit Strike. So it might only be debuff remover and unstoppable.
To my knowledge they made it so that effects such as silencer bullets still went through and silenced someone under the effects of metal skin. So I imagine it works the same for melee.

Update: just tested, lifestrike slow goes through metal skin so yeah.
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I think this item would be turbo aids actually. Imagine a 1s stun into heavy melee and you're just silenced for 5s.
i like this. its a big commitment play with a big effect for the burly men or crazy fist haze players to get a silence off that's a lot less versitile than the other options but fits better on the plan for what you plan on doing.

Ofc such an expensive item being tied to heavy melee needs to have a big reward.

Like you said numbers are very placeholder as that's a balance thing to do. I like that because of its harder to access and more commited approach it should hve a lower cd than the rest. perhaps even really low. just need to make sure imp cd and imp duration dont create silly scenarios as numbers can happend to be with these 2 in conjunction.

I like that its not another tempo punch item so that an abrams or lash dont do 60% of your hp in a frame early on.

Just something that is not existent in melee items is move speed. i guess its loading movement with melee can be scary since it also slows with lifestrike and melee charge gives a lot of movement but i was wondering if instead of gun damage a bit of move speed? 1 or 2m/s is the staple so see what fits. just a deviation both ideas helping damaging in the soul rend effect.
I think this item would be turbo aids actually. Imagine a 1s stun into heavy melee and you're just silenced for 5s.
That's the point. its really not standard to raw a heavy because you get parried. and its a 6800 total item, you dont get to see it early and going hard on melee late is risky and if you rush it it gives low defensive stats.

So yes you need set up to reliably use this item, but you also get a big pay off where this person is about to feel the pain on top of the silence.

Consider that silence glyph is a point and click, does damage (so it scales and applies on hit effects), has 25m range for 3s. 25m is wraith full auto radius. that's quite big. ofc it doesnt scale as well with duration items like this new soul render item but point and click good. And silencer is a bit more expensive in total but gives 6s of silence at as far as you can shoot, you dont really see those.
I think this item would be turbo aids actually. Imagine a 1s stun into heavy melee and you're just silenced for 5s.
I mean, I think Orchid and Bloodthorn are turbo aids as well. Doesn’t mean they don’t fit the game. I just really hope an item like that, if added, would be a real commitment and not just point and click. Hence me pitching it as a melee item.
I do not want abrams silencing me for 5s because he presses heavy melee after he stuns me for free. He should need to commit to silence glyph (orchid).
I do not want abrams silencing me for 5s because he presses heavy melee after he stuns me for free. He should need to commit to silence glyph (orchid).
Then buy a Debuff Remover and laugh cause either you parry him and he dies, cause the stun isn’t long enough now, or just remove the Silence and kill him/escape. If anything him buying Silence Glyph is worse for people normally, because he can use that at range before he even hits you.
I mean, sure? But at that point Abrams is spending 9000 gold and multiple important cooldowns on one person. How is that any different than any other character? Like, is it strong on Abrams cause he’s the melee guy? Sure. That’s a balance issue, not a design one.
You're acting like he wouldn't be able to stack them lol
you are demanding a lot of niche stats for abrams when, if you read, melee gets worse and worse as being melee can be death to nearly anyone by the damage that is dealt. Like sure i get slowing hex phantom strike curse and if i have the money echo shard to 2x blind on krill. yes its expensive and my whole purpose is to be obnoxious, i can spec that because i have good base stats. abrams has his 3rd skill but his stats base aren't that insane, even after nerf shiv has more hp gain. and like what i do with krill if i dont have a team with me i dont really kill people since i spend so much on utility.

The design is not at fault and it being a heavy i think is more interesting, gives a frustrating midgame build a cool team utility effect and is easier to counterplay.

Small tip, you can block off any jump so sometimes consider blocking for your team, you're basically casting a 3s stun so why not do it?