Some even looser item ideas


Not gonna bother with numbers this time.

Shrapnel Blast 💥 (1250)
Your next bullet generates a short range conical blast that deals a multiplier of your gun damage (your shot fires regularly, it's just an added effect).
Stats can be whatever.

Alternative it could shoot a spread of extra projectiles with short fall off range instead of a solid damage AoE. Could be 3k in price depending on the numbers but it doesn't feel as widely useful as to justify it.​
Deputy Badge 🤠 (1250/3000?)
|Imbue Ability|
Imbue an ability so, when cast, it spawns a ghostly gun that follows your movement and shoots with damage based on your gun damage. Lasts for a % of the imbued ability's CD (say if you have a 30s spell it could last for 3s?). It has its own shooting animation/base firerate.

Just trying to come up with weird imbues, but this may be too convoluted. Could be cool for channeled spells.​
Old Bell 🔔 (6300)
Gives you a chance to block bullets (a % of their damage? a flat number?). Chance is increased on headshots, with both body shots and headshots having distinguishable bell clanging sounds (yes, I've played DS2).

I've noticed there's not that many tier 4, non-active vitality items. It is hard to come up with some, though.

Drain Circle ⭕ (3000)
Upgraded Infuser

Gain bonus Spirit Power and Spirit Lifesteal. Create a magic circle around you. As long as an enemy is inside it, you steal a flat amount of spirit power and HP total from them.

I don't like Infuser having no upgrade path consider how limited active slots are. Rescue Beam is a good example of a cheapo item upgrading into something more useful, so you could do the same with Infuser. Artenatively it could be a AoE buff for allies or something like that.​
Meteoric Surge ☄️ (3000)
Makes dashes and double jumps deal spirit damage to enemies you come in contact with. Should probably increase dash speed and distance plus some stamina upgrade maybe.

Could be nice to have one spirit tab stamina focused item.​
Pain Nexus 💀 (3000)
Fire a flaming skull that travels to target point in a straight line at medium? speed. It deals heavy damage to the first enemy it contacts. Can bounce once.

It'd be cool to get a simple dagon type item for supplementary damage, but if it was just unit targetted I fear it'd be too strong. Perhaps you could have it as a projectile?​