Skill Leveling Issue


New member
I've been running into something sort of strange occasionally.

There are times where I am only able to level up abilities evenly up until each of them are up to level 1. I don't mean just taking the ability, but taking the first level that gives the ability a bonus. I know this isn't normal, because I often have one ability at level 2 and another at level 0.

It doesn't seem to force me into doing this even leveling thing the entire game, it's only to level 1 then the behavior goes back to normal. I have noticed this maybe a half dozen times, but it seems like it is more likely to happen if I run into it once and play again without restarting my game.

Let me know if there's any more info I can give, or if I'm just being stupid or something, but I'm 99% sure this is not intended behavior.

Edit: nevermind lol... I am a moron and just realized that skill levels cost 1/2/5 AP...
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