Accidental Ability Leveling While Dead


New member
This has haunted me since I started playing deadlock and I finally figured out what causes it.

Issue: Abilities will randomly level up throughout the game without me putting any points into them.
Cause: As soon as you die, if you press any of your abilities that have points that could be put into them (eg. If you are abrams and spam 1 in stun, die, but hit 1 while you are dead, it will level up 1).
Reproduction: This is very easy to reproduce in the practice tool. Simply die and then hit any ability 1 through 4. It will level it up while you're dead.
Expected Behaviour: Abilities should ONLY level up when they are clicked or when a secondary key is held (eg. alt + ability). They should NEVER level up just from pressing the button while dead.

Please resolve this asap or introduce a way to turn it off, as I have lost many games due to inefficient AP use from this bug.