Sinclairs 3 needs to get a rewor. the 2 as well


New member
Hey guys
sinclairs 3 is way to powerfull
if you think about it, it really is just a better wraith ulti..

-wraith ult --> cc --> debuff removable and your able to punch and jump and do anything just no skills or gun use --> no damage increase!
-sinclairs 3 --> cc -->cant debuff remove --> more damage --> you cant do anything, youre just dead (its just the pre patch wraith ult)

idk guys. its basically the same skill just better and thats for a normal level 1 skill and not an ult? how is that fair? make it at least a skill shot and not a point and click to win every fight adventure. Or make it like the haze knife.. if you get damage you change back to normal as an escape. Or make the rabbit untargetable. Its a normal skill and not an ulti.

the 2 is way to powerful. he can splitpush and kill walker and tower without beeing in danger????? there is no way to punish this character. he just teleports out.
IT NEEDS A RANGE!!!!! he can teleport across the entire map.

otherwise i think its a nice and funny character.