Silencer for 3000 souls

I cannot manage to kill Pocket, that hero use to convert itself on a case to avoid any kind of spirit attack, He use to drain your life with his ulti and, the worst, is he is about to die he use his spectre to scape (also the spectre can be use to attack or to ambush too). Since silencer is menat to be in the tier 3 (6500, almost ending of a match). It would be good have that item on 3k items since It's very hard to deal with Pocket, instead nerfing, there should be a way to counter him from scape. Even the "enchanter salte" is every 16 seconds and all heroes have for more times, its spells, and worst if we talk about ulties. I suggest he gest a higher cooldown but for now, it would be good a silencer object to be buy for 3000 (and be improved with the 6.5k).
There's already a 3000 cost soul item that does that. It's called "Silence Glyph." It's a 3.5 second single target silence that increases spell amp on the target. You can find it in the Spirit section.