Silence Glyph T4 upgrade

I think this is actually a bit of a downgrade from Silence Glyph as Silence glyph can actually hit multiple enemies. Just on the active, of course.
Isn't Curse just better? The niche here is that the target takes more damage, but Curse doesn't require a skill-shot and shuts down the target completely instead of just silencing them. The base stats are pretty good and I think the idea is fine, but 9k for a counter item is a bit much.
I think this is actually a bit of a downgrade from Silence Glyph as Silence glyph can actually hit multiple enemies. Just on the active, of course.
there is no single word in silence glyph description that says it can pierce enemies
so why did you decide that my concept item can't pierce enemies?
"Fire a projectile which silences and damages the first enemy hero it hits".

Even if it pierces, the description sounds like the damage and silence only applies to one person.
How about it *eats* (some or all) abilities, putting them on cooldown or something? Fair for 9000, and maybe a long cooldown.