Shiv is not fun to fight against

I mean youre not supposed to focus him or stand near him, you should back up and dodge his abilities and kite. if he misses his daggers and you dont stand close enough for the dash or shotgun, he doesnt do anything.
how often do u have ability to not stay in close proximity to him?
probably, the way his rage gains bar will probably be adjusted and then ult HP threshold will probably be lowered. but honestly, people cursing me out for playing shiv in-game are people who decide to get in my face and press buttons and then act shocked they get executed. bait and kite folks.
He is still on side of "too overtuned" and some nerf is needed, i have played a lot and can say that he is too strong in close combat. Like compare him to other close combat chars of Abrams or Haze for example. Haze is glass cannon and Abrams is unkillable tank, but both of them have heavy downsides of low dmg or non existent hp. Now look at Shiv: he is unkillable high damage and mobility hero
I mean, so is Pocket. Haze has a stun on a basic ability and better range than Shiv.
Place your bets folks! Who thinks Shiv's getting nerfed next patch? I do
I would assume so, hes still overtuned and some of his abilities down right broken. The ultimate literally makes you fly through objects and walls, he still needs a bit of work if you'd ask me.
I would assume so, hes still overtuned and some of his abilities down right broken. The ultimate literally makes you fly through objects and walls, he still needs a bit of work if you'd ask me.
then his execute is almost immediately countered by dashing into cover
he is just his passive pretty much right now. If his passive didn't make him close to immortal he's horrible. If that's the design they're going for they nailed it, but his name is shiv and people don't even put a single point into his throwing knife right now.
I just played a game post patch and he still absolutely dominated the entire game. I don't think a nerf is going to cut it with him, he needs to be reworked entirely. He seems like he should be a glass cannon but in reality he's a straight up tank.

When I read him I also thought glass cannon that goes nuts, all in, ride and die, after building up his rage through careful positioning to get people into execution range...

Then in-game he's just rubbing his butt in my face giggling and asking me what I'm going to do about it as i empty clip after clip, lol. Not sure what they were on with this one. He reads the opposite of how he plays and he is definitely too good, or was, it's been a while since I played since we're in the middle of moving.

probably, the way his rage gains bar will probably be adjusted and then ult HP threshold will probably be lowered. but honestly, people cursing me out for playing shiv in-game are people who decide to get in my face and press buttons and then act shocked they get executed. bait and kite folks.

Sound like a classic biased apologist, lol. Been hearing similar since the dawn of online for anything remotely powerful. He is definitely overtuned.
When I read him I also thought glass cannon that goes nuts, all in, ride and die, after building up his rage through careful positioning to get people into execution range...

Then in-game he's just rubbing his butt in my face giggling and asking me what I'm going to do about it as i empty clip after clip, lol. Not sure what they were on with this one. He reads the opposite of how he plays and he is definitely too good, or was, it's been a while since I played since we're in the middle of moving.

Sound like a classic biased apologist, lol. Been hearing similar since the dawn of online for anything remotely powerful. He is definitely overtuned.
What does pro play say to that? How does wraith and krill not counter him? Who’s overturned is ivy lol
When I read him I also thought glass cannon that goes nuts, all in, ride and die, after building up his rage through careful positioning to get people into execution range...

Then in-game he's just rubbing his butt in my face giggling and asking me what I'm going to do about it as i empty clip after clip, lol. Not sure what they were on with this one. He reads the opposite of how he plays and he is definitely too good, or was, it's been a while since I played since we're in the middle of moving.

Sound like a classic biased apologist, lol. Been hearing similar since the dawn of online for anything remotely powerful. He is definitely overtuned.
When I began this game, I played Lash prior to any big nerfs and frequently went 20+ to 1 with alarming frequency, same as all the other competent lash players around that time. It's anecdotal, but as someone who has played an actually broken character, shiv is not near pre-nerf lash levels.
I think people are sleeping on how strong his 2nd skill is rn, the reduced CD of his 2nd skill maxed with superior cooldown gives him a 1.4 second cooldown assuming he hits 3 targets and creeps count for the reduction meaning he can do camps quickly also the 2nd rage slash counts for CD reduction hitting 1.5 people with both slashes is just as good as hitting 3 people without rage cd wise. You have to gank him with 2 people because good luck solo killing him in the midgame assuming comparable souls, he farms fast and he's strong in a teamfight. Maybe lash was more overtuned at some point but just because you still need a brain to play the hero doesnt mean hes not too strong rn.
I think people are sleeping on how strong his 2nd skill is rn, the reduced CD of his 2nd skill maxed with superior cooldown gives him a 1.4 second cooldown assuming he hits 3 targets and creeps count for the reduction meaning he can do camps quickly also the 2nd rage slash counts for CD reduction hitting 1.5 people with both slashes is just as good as hitting 3 people without rage cd wise. You have to gank him with 2 people because good luck solo killing him in the midgame assuming comparable souls, he farms fast and he's strong in a teamfight. Maybe lash was more overtuned at some point but just because you still need a brain to play the hero doesnt mean hes not too strong rn.
There will be a lot of new items and heroes added to change the balance, so I think his kit is relatively fine. I dont like how creeps count to CD reduction it actually seems like a bug
he's literally just a better version of Haze, meant to eat people out of position. are you a dumb roamer or what dude. what character are you running when he fucks you up. it's fun to dance around him as he tries to land the knife.
actual skill issue if youre filtered by a guy that needs to get in your face to matter
goes to you
She has ok damage and dmg potential in both spells and gun. She has good surviveability skill with statue. But she dont have gamebreaking or straight up overpowered skills nor weapon. And lets keep this thread about Shiv, if u want to share ur opinion about Ivy make separated thread
She has ok damage and dmg potential in both spells and gun. She has good surviveability skill with statue. But she dont have gamebreaking or straight up overpowered skills nor weapon. And lets keep this thread about Shiv, if u want to share ur opinion about Ivy make separated thread
i was thinking more about haze and seven combo
When I began this game, I played Lash prior to any big nerfs and frequently went 20+ to 1 with alarming frequency, same as all the other competent lash players around that time. It's anecdotal, but as someone who has played an actually broken character, shiv is not near pre-nerf lash levels.

I get your point, but one character being potentially and/or situationally unbalanced doesn't mean another isn't. It just means you have two unbalanced characters, one which may be more of a problem for whatever reason. "Not as bad as Lash" is an excuse, not an answer.
What does pro play say to that? How does wraith and krill not counter him? Who’s overturned is ivy lol
Same as above. Ivy is indeed good, imo she's a testbed for more support characters which traditionally suffer this exact problem. They're useless or completely crucial, esp in shooters where everyone is kind of expected to be able to contribute to damage/kills even if it's role-based.

I know this isn't Overwatch but due to the moba-esque design it's even more important, point being that even supports in games like Overwatch have been on a rollercoaster. Dota and League of Legends too had a very long, rough journey getting them somewhere that feels right and even recently a lot of people feel supports are too ovetuned.

IMO Ivy is showing the symptoms of that. As we used to say in the army, everyone is a rifleman first and their MOS second, except for actual riflemen lmao. Don't know how to balance supports in this game without making them feel bad, though, and I say that as a support mean who actually wants to support.