Shiv is not fun to fight against


New member
Hero with average amount of health but with with ability to sponge HUGE amount of damage for free, not even Abrams can tank so much. It feels horrible when u shoot hero and dont see his hp bar change almost at all and then you know he just remove half of dmg your team done to him by simple button click. And you cant rly ignore him during fight because his dmg outcome is good. So when u 1v1 him he just recieve half damage, when u recieve full dmg. And his knife deal a lot of dmg aswell and able to kill u with bleed effect. Even Pocket ultimate cant do that, while these spammable high dmg knives can do it.
Not to say its very hard to kill him at all, so he just run away to team cover and you cant do anything about it, because if u team fight with him he does a lot of dmg and simply cant die.
It is not fun
Yes. Based on the experience of recent games with him in the character pool, I often win in the team where he is
His 1 and 2 are heavily overtuned. Dealing more damage than most other abilites in the game with 2 abilities on low cd while also having a defensive skill + great use for hp items is a very bad match.
The fact he has his passive effect up all of the time does not feel very good, it could instead be an active ability, where the damage absorption effect is only applied for a few seconds, with the possibility to reactivate the ability to heal back a portion of the damage.
I just played a game post patch and he still absolutely dominated the entire game. I don't think a nerf is going to cut it with him, he needs to be reworked entirely. He seems like he should be a glass cannon but in reality he's a straight up tank.
i just played a match against him, and he definitely needs to be reworked, way too strong with his low cd abilities. just makes it not fun to play.
He's a lane bully, tank, ability power condition damage and executer in teamfights, seems kinda overtuned.

A way to nerf him in lane would be harder 1st ability hit, like slower projectile itself IMO.
Um...........really??? He's that powerful????????....Seriously?..???
🫣 There was a moment where he was sneaking up behind me and deleting me but then I just scaled up a bit more and reacted faster to his flanks and we killed him. I've been using him a lot lately and I feel utterly useless against anyone who simply has more range then me. It's hard to farm, if they have someone with them I can't get to them. He's meant to GET IN but in lane phases I can't push well enough compared to a gray talon. And even in fights I get out damaged and out tanked. But I'm hearing he needs to be nerfed more...When I'm not using him I haven't ran into another Shiv who slaughters everyone like that. It's making Shiv sound like an esports jail character. Please don't hurt me lol.
Um...........really??? He's that powerful????????....Seriously?..???
🫣 There was a moment where he was sneaking up behind me and deleting me but then I just scaled up a bit more and reacted faster to his flanks and we killed him. I've been using him a lot lately and I feel utterly useless against anyone who simply has more range then me. It's hard to farm, if they have someone with them I can't get to them. He's meant to GET IN but in lane phases I can't push well enough compared to a gray talon. And even in fights I get out damaged and out tanked. But I'm hearing he needs to be nerfed more...When I'm not using him I haven't ran into another Shiv who slaughters everyone like that. It's making Shiv sound like an esports jail character. Please don't hurt me lol.
have you play agains him before patch? He is still pain in the ass, but not nearly as bad as before
have you play agains him before patch? He is still pain in the ass, but not nearly as bad as before
Yup. The beginning of my post is about that time. And I mentioned how my team managed to work around him. Doesn't mean he should be blowing people up (like talon who isn't a problem I guess.) That does not mean he should be this weak now either. He's quite useless unless he can get the last hit off with one of his skills. He shouldn't be filed down to just that. He is going to be in a lane where he has to kill minions and brawl with the enemy team. But there are tanks and probably support characters who kill minions way better then he does when he actually uses his shot gun while his face is touching the minions. Like all the other characters he should be FUN to play with or against. Other characters are still way more annoying then him.
Yup. The beginning of my post is about that time. And I mentioned how my team managed to work around him. Doesn't mean he should be blowing people up (like talon who isn't a problem I guess.) That does not mean he should be this weak now either. He's quite useless unless he can get the last hit off with one of his skills. He shouldn't be filed down to just that. He is going to be in a lane where he has to kill minions and brawl with the enemy team. But there are tanks and probably support characters who kill minions way better then he does when he actually uses his shot gun while his face is touching the minions. Like all the other characters he should be FUN to play with or against. Other characters are still way more annoying then him.
You are truly a bad Shiv then, he was broken to that extend that patch of nerf came same day
This thread should be dead he was nerfed within hours of him being broken. There are much bigger problems characters that simply don't get nerfed. And if you want to talk who is unfair to lane against that would be Mcginnis by far.
Yes, he was super op to the point a single dagger could kill people before the patch if had right items. The patch makes him way more balanced. He is still very strong if not bursted, you can't let him get going. The mistakes I see people do is never dodging the knives and just try to tank him. He will punish people that arent respecting his kit which can be frustrating if youre not the person letting him stack rage and spirit lifesteal.
And considering my expirience of facing him after nerf in many many matches i can say that he still needs nerf. His surviveability is still good and any Shiv that has atleast some skill just refuse to die if all team do not focus on killing him, but at same time he does SO MUCH damage with his abilities he is able to 1v3 most of other characters simply because of way he does a lot of unavoidable damage with his dash it is absurd. Not once and not even ten of fifty times i observe that it is almost impossible to 1v1 shiv even at same souls count, but since he survives most of fights and able to farm while team on respawn time, and able to easily kill anyone in 1v1 he gains many souls and lvl up quickly, making him impossible to deal with without full team focus.
He still needs dmg nerf
This thread should be dead he was nerfed within hours of him being broken. There are much bigger problems characters that simply don't get nerfed. And if you want to talk who is unfair to lane against that would be Mcginnis by far.
Mcginnes is very strong in early game true, but she is not busted if u dont feed her intentionaly
And considering my expirience of facing him after nerf in many many matches i can say that he still needs nerf. His surviveability is still good and any Shiv that has atleast some skill just refuse to die if all team do not focus on killing him, but at same time he does SO MUCH damage with his abilities he is able to 1v3 most of other characters simply because of way he does a lot of unavoidable damage with his dash it is absurd. Not once and not even ten of fifty times i observe that it is almost impossible to 1v1 shiv even at same souls count, but since he survives most of fights and able to farm while team on respawn time, and able to easily kill anyone in 1v1 he gains many souls and lvl up quickly, making him impossible to deal with without full team focus.
He still needs dmg nerf
I mean youre not supposed to focus him or stand near him, you should back up and dodge his abilities and kite. if he misses his daggers and you dont stand close enough for the dash or shotgun, he doesnt do anything.
Yes, he was super op to the point a single dagger could kill people before the patch if had right items. The patch makes him way more balanced. He is still very strong if not bursted, you can't let him get going. The mistakes I see people do is never dodging the knives and just try to tank him. He will punish people that arent respecting his kit which can be frustrating if youre not the person letting him stack rage and spirit lifesteal.
He is still on side of "too overtuned" and some nerf is needed, i have played a lot and can say that he is too strong in close combat. Like compare him to other close combat chars of Abrams or Haze for example. Haze is glass cannon and Abrams is unkillable tank, but both of them have heavy downsides of low dmg or non existent hp. Now look at Shiv: he is unkillable high damage and mobility hero