Shaping Deadlock’s Future: Thoughts on Character Design and Direction


New member
*Suggestions for a More Memorable Roster*

I want to start by saying I’m not coming at the Deadlock development team as a frustrated, noob player but rather as someone who frequently plays and genuinely wants to see the game succeed at the highest level. The dev team has done an admirable job with consistent updates, community interaction and transparency with the community. Given that Deadlock is still in early development, I think constructive feedback can be particularly valuable right now. This post reflects my thoughts on recent character design choices and ability decisions.

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression". I refrence this saying frequently in my day-to-day life and this applies to your game as much as anything. Recent character releases – take Fathom, for example – show potential, but I feel there's a missed opportunity to make these designs more streamlined and captivating. Fathom’s current build feels awkward and questionable to say the least. The same can be said for characters like Yamato and Viper, whose designs feel somewhat plain, and I can’t help but think their unique character models could have been much more fully developed. Each character design should reflect the essence of what makes Deadlock… well, Deadlock. Consistency in this regard would go a long way in reinforcing the game’s identity.

This brings me to the newly announced character, Trapper. Trapper, to me, is Exhibit A of a missed opportunity. He looks almost identical to Pocket, and while I may not be fully aware of all the character lore or specific design intentions, a minor change like a haircut doesn't make him feel authentic or unique. Trapper's near-identical look to Pocket detracts from that crucial “ah-ha” moment when players first encounter a new character. It’s essential that each new additions feel fresh and instantly recognizable, enhancing the excitement and curiosity that come with character reveals.

With that being said, I highly urge you to reconsider his current design. A game like Deadlock relies on characters that players can connect with and find memorable. In a competitive genre like this, small design choices determine whether players stay or move on.

While I understand the game is gaining momentum, some ability and design choices feel questionable and slightly even rushed. It’s crucial that the community doesn’t start feeling that things are being hurried at the cost of quality. This is not to dismiss the hard work I know the devs are putting in. I recognize that not everyone may agree with my views, and I’m aware that future plans might address these issues.

That said, I do understand these characters haven’t officially launched yet, and I’m only offering my input to guide the future direction of Deadlock.

If you take anything from this - I urge the team to remember: make each character unique, authentic, and memorable. Keep characters as individual as possible, each adding something special to the game. To the devs who may see this: you’re doing an amazing job. Stay creative, transparent, and passionate – I have no doubt Deadlock has the potential to thrive.

I welcome and encourage others to share their own thoughts! However, if your response is simply to dismiss criticism without reasoned input, I’d suggest keeping it to yourself. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this far.
FYI Yamato's model was announced to be changed (seems like it's a leftover from Neon Prime) plus except for Calico and Holiday the rest of the Hero Labs roster all have placeholder models just to quickly get something playable out there for people to test. None of the mentioned characters have final art and it's very likely other heroes could get further tweaks to their designs
bro thats not a final character added, thats a character added IN TESTING, they are testing the technical design i.e how his abilities work not how he moves or plays

its not a final art design all the other experimental characters except for two have unfinsihed art the helmet of the toxic dude is from a different game altoghet and the magician uses 7s guns poses and certain animations. just like how everyone is slowly getting heavy melee animations if they fit thier style or how the map is getting unique with each update AFTER we got a good enough layout it will change
Almost every character design in the game isn't fully finished yet, let alone the hero labs characters. Judging them like they're the final designs is really weird... trapper is a reskin of pocket because they're just testing the mechanics of the character, and whatever he's going to look like hasn't been created yet
what a braindead post. none of the characters are finished yet. not even abrams. we know for a fact that grey talon, yamato, bebop and viscous are getting FULL redesigns. currently warden and lash share the same model but with different clothes, mirage is using the training dummy animations. and the hero labs characters?? cmon man, magician doesn't even have a face, what are you expecting here?
Almost every character design in the game isn't fully finished yet, let alone the hero labs characters. Judging them like they're the final designs is really weird... trapper is a reskin of pocket because they're just testing the mechanics of the character, and whatever he's going to look like hasn't been created ye
what a braindead post. none of the characters are finished yet. not even abrams. we know for a fact that grey talon, yamato, bebop and viscous are getting FULL redesigns. currently warden and lash share the same model but with different clothes, mirage is using the training dummy animations. and the hero labs characters?? cmon man, magician doesn't even have a face, what are you expecting here?
You both clearly have reading comprehension problems. Leaving such incompetent, ignorant comments is honestly crazy embarrassing. Imagine commenting on things I addressed and even bolded in the post. It literally says suggestions in bold at the top lmao. I clearly acknowledged the fact that the game is in alpha and the character models are not final, but your glasses must've been foggy, nerds. The point of the post was to encourage the devs to make better, more well-thought-out decisions when it came to character model releases and designs, but that clearly flew over your heads. Unless you guys have access to more information than I do, no one has released anything official on Trapper, so you’re commenting based on assumption. It would be in your best interests to use your brains and read the post before leaving a comment next time.
You both clearly have reading comprehension problems. Leaving such incompetent, ignorant comments is honestly crazy embarrassing. Imagine commenting on things I addressed and even bolded in the post. It literally says suggestions in bold at the top lmao. I clearly acknowledged the fact that the game is in alpha and the character models are not final, but your glasses must've been foggy, nerds. The point of the post was to encourage the devs to make better, more well-thought-out decisions when it came to character model releases and designs, but that clearly flew over your heads. Unless you guys have access to more information than I do, no one has released anything official on Trapper, so you’re commenting based on assumption. It would be in your best interests to use your brains and read the post before leaving a comment next time.
No need to be toxic, also I find it ironic that you would state "You both clearly have reading comprehension problems." when your posting this inside the Bug Report section of the forums...

Please remember to behave civilly because that's totally unacceptable. I suggest editing your response maybe to not come off so hostile??
You both clearly have reading comprehension problems. Leaving such incompetent, ignorant comments is honestly crazy embarrassing. Imagine commenting on things I addressed and even bolded in the post. It literally says suggestions in bold at the top lmao. I clearly acknowledged the fact that the game is in alpha and the character models are not final, but your glasses must've been foggy, nerds. The point of the post was to encourage the devs to make better, more well-thought-out decisions when it came to character model releases and designs, but that clearly flew over your heads. Unless you guys have access to more information than I do, no one has released anything official on Trapper, so you’re commenting based on assumption. It would be in your best interests to use your brains and read the post before leaving a comment next time.
Well to me your post seems vague and stupid. "Valve art direction team I hope you know how to do your job and the basics of character design" like yeah, that would be what they are doing. So that part of the post helps no one really and feels a lil condescending to them. As if they dont know how to make unique and memorable designs and that they'd look at your post and go "Ohhhh thats what we're supposed to be doing". This isn't a newbie indie team, these are valve professionals. Its their job, their trade, and their damn good at it.

The rest of your post is admittedly light criticism on models that are placeholders. Yamato is a leftover from a different game. And again you say that trapper looks to much like pocket. Well duh hes a placeholder. "Thats an assumption" you say? I mean its not that he looks similar to Pocket, he literally just uses the exact same model but slightly edited and shares all his animations and gun and all that. He may well be Pockets brother in lore in the future but theyre not just gonna make him a reskin and its dumbfounding to me that you think the Deadlock art team is so incompetent and lazy for them to actually do that.

Again a lot of heroes arent anywhere near their deadlock designs. About half the cast actually look anything like theyre supposed to. So if you're arguing some designs dont fit the style, thats because they don't as they are from neon prime or are placeholders like how viscous is just a reskin of kelvin or warden and lash, etc.

If i were a dev and I read your post I'd just think "ok..?" Like it genuinely offers nothing. Especially in "bug reports". I personally think you thought you were a benevolent genius writing this but I just cant gleam anything of value nor interesting. Youre just telling professionals how to do their job in a very condescending way while obviously not being that informed of the actual facts of the game's development.
No need to be toxic, also I find it ironic that you would state "You both clearly have reading comprehension problems." when your posting this inside the Bug Report section of the forums...

Please remember to behave civilly because that's totally unacceptable. I suggest editing your response maybe to not come off so hostile??
Ye i understand his reply in terms of my comment but that poor other guy said nothing to deserve such a backswing and get lumped in. I guess op read braindead and immediately thought i was insulting him rather than the post. Reading comprehension my ass i guess lol.
No need to be toxic, also I find it ironic that you would state "You both clearly have reading comprehension problems." when your posting this inside the Bug Report section of the forums...

Please remember to behave civilly because that's totally unacceptable. I suggest editing your response maybe to not come off so hostile??
It was meant to be hostile. Coming on my post and commenting ignorant things like they both did. Also, who even are you lmfao??? "Thats totally unacceptable". Your laughable. Acting like a Mod or something on a deadlock forums. Get a job lil bro
Well to me your post seems vague and stupid. "Valve art direction team I hope you know how to do your job and the basics of character design" like yeah, that would be what they are doing. So that part of the post helps no one really and feels a lil condescending to them. As if they dont know how to make unique and memorable designs and that they'd look at your post and go "Ohhhh thats what we're supposed to be doing". This isn't a newbie indie team, these are valve professionals. Its their job, their trade, and their damn good at it.

The rest of your post is admittedly light criticism on models that are placeholders. Yamato is a leftover from a different game. And again you say that trapper looks to much like pocket. Well duh hes a placeholder. "Thats an assumption" you say? I mean its not that he looks similar to Pocket, he literally just uses the exact same model but slightly edited and shares all his animations and gun and all that. He may well be Pockets brother in lore in the future but theyre not just gonna make him a reskin and its dumbfounding to me that you think the Deadlock art team is so incompetent and lazy for them to actually do that.

Again a lot of heroes arent anywhere near their deadlock designs. About half the cast actually look anything like theyre supposed to. So if you're arguing some designs dont fit the style, thats because they don't as they are from neon prime or are placeholders like how viscous is just a reskin of kelvin or warden and lash, etc.

If i were a dev and I read your post I'd just think "ok..?" Like it genuinely offers nothing. Especially in "bug reports". I personally think you thought you were a benevolent genius writing this but I just cant gleam anything of value nor interesting. Youre just telling professionals how to do their job in a very condescending way while obviously not being that informed of the actual facts of the game's development.
Honestly, I don't have time to entertain this any longer and it is beneath me to go back and forth with someone on a deadlock formus. I didn't even bother to read the essay you wrote. You clearly did not understand the point of the post but they do say you can't fix stupid. If what you took from my post was what you replied with in the first paragraph than I genuinely feel sorry for you. "Youre just telling professionals how to do their job in a very condescending way while obviously not being that informed of the actual facts of the game's development." It's "You're" btw, and please point out which part of my post was "very condescending". You need to get sunlight, man-up, and grow some thicker skin if you think my post was written in a condescending way lol. The only thing condescending about this post was my reply back to you.. rightfully so.
Honestly, I don't have time to entertain this any longer and it is beneath me to go back and forth with someone on a deadlock formus. I didn't even bother to read the essay you wrote. You clearly did not understand the point of the post but they do say you can't fix stupid. If what you took from my post was what you replied with in the first paragraph than I genuinely feel sorry for you. "Youre just telling professionals how to do their job in a very condescending way while obviously not being that informed of the actual facts of the game's development." It's "You're" btw, and please point out which part of my post was "very condescending". You need to get sunlight, man-up, and grow some thicker skin if you think my post was written in a condescending way lol. The only thing condescending about this post was my reply back to you.. rightfully so.
Not my fault you can't be bothered to read like 4 paragraphs. "You can't fix stupid" as they say.
Also it's okay Mr "thicker skin", I'm so sorry everyone was mean to your post and you got so butthurt and had a temper tantrum. The hypocrisy is nuts and you obviously have absolutely ZERO self awareness. For example, complaining about me missing 1 apostrophe when you wrote "formus" instead of "forums". It's laughable.

Anyway I'm logging off this one after this because there's nothing more to say and it would be extremely petty to keep going. Not that I'm against pettiness but I'm sure the other fine denizens of this topic and the mods are already annoyed what I devolved this chat into. But feel free to continue shouting at a brick wall if you so desire though. Not that you will though.

Whatever my name is on this forum
(And sorry to everyone who this notification may reach)
I can't tell if this thread is a bit or not

It's equally likely that this could be a sincere thread written by someone who has no idea about games development as it could be an insincere thread written as rage baiting