Seven's lightning ball bypasses target while paused + Sandbox mode allows only one pause


New member
If the match is paused while Seven's Lightning Ball is on a trajectory to hit a target, visually the ball freezes but on unpause it will move to the end of its trajectory, notably also bypassing any potential target that might cause it to stop on its way. This is repeatable in Sandbox and works with at least active guardians and the dummies. Also worth noting that the lightning's visual model disappears after a set distance. When fired on a trajectory long enough to cause the visuals to disappear, pausing while it is still near will cause the visual model to disappear eventually, presumably because the game continues tracking its movement. This can happen in a match, I unfortunately don't have match ID. I assume it could theoretically be exploited to "teleport the lightning ball to its end in some circumstances.

Related to the testing, Sandbox mode only allows for one pause. Testing these kinds of bugs is frustrating because of it.