Seven is in need of a buff desperately (200 plus hours with seven)


New member
the gun is practically useless

the ult does absolutely no damage can we get an added slow at least?
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He is fine, its that others grown relatively strong, try 1v1 him at 30k+ souls and third ability maxed. Also they need to nerf a lot of things they added or remove them, game is in testing so idc, i just hate haze.
It would be better to write in Seven gameplay if u would like it to be watched by devs.
But i personally think that Ult should actually have micro stun in it,like,0.1-0.2 sec zap,every second or 1.5 second of Ult.
Seven gun doesn't have much damage on its own, because u don't need to built him in gun,its full on spirit character,use third ability and u are gucci.
I appreciate the correction, I cant take down the post to move it to the proper location
I mean,u can just forget it there and still write in feedback.
(Just don't try to post feedback there, after all its not just typical discord server,its purely for developing stuff)