Seraph - The "Divine" Guidance


Character Context:
Seraph is an Angel, appearance wise it is a mix between your divine stereotypically portrayed angel (humanoid), and corrupted biblically accurate eldritch abomination (perhaps from being exposed to the eldritch energy for too long?).. think of many eyes and wings. Despite being a unconceivable horror- it fights for what it believes to be righteousness... while using terrifying powers to achieve it's goal. Seraph wants to ascend humanity to escape the horrors of the eldritch darkness that has fallen onto the mortal plane. it's idea of righteousness doesn't fall in line with the beliefs of an average mortal.. but Seraph truly believes that the only solution to saving this corrupt world, is saving the souls of the many. (kill everyone so they don't have to suffer)

Role?: Control-esque Mage with supportive and team set up capabilities
Seraph commands the forces of holy divine Power alongside supernatural eldritch corruption (support + Dmg)


Primary attack Send out a corrupt projectile - average damage

Alternative Attack - Seraph folds her hands and prayers, causing her to emit a light regenerative aura from her body healing itself + ally

1 Intertwined Fate (charge system) - seraph summons a powerful bolt of eldritch + holy energy, after hitting a target or the world it explodes into a large radius that marks both allies and enemies.
Enemys Marked: Seraphs next basic attack applies a damage over time effect on the enemy
Allies Marked: Take increased healing from It's secondary rejuvenation

2 Abyss - conjur the "abyss" at a players location (targeted), enemy's hit by "abyss" while be rooted by eldritch arms/beings.

3 - righteousness - seraph enters free flight for a brief period empowering intertwined fate and primary/secondary attacks
Empowered Intertwined Fate - Large Radius and increased potency of mark effect
Empowered Primary - Now reveals enemy's through walls and hiding for a short duration
Empowered Alternative - Can pray while flying, causing allies within range to gain a shield in addition to previous effects (larger radius)

4 (ULT) Trumpet of the END - start floating up in the air and enter a praying motion (cast time before actual effect happens).. once the prayer starts trumpets will start playing, with light emitting around Seraphs body in a large area, and enemy hit will be ascended seemingly floating towards the heavens, only to be thrown violently into the grounding swallowed by "abyss", taking huge burst damage
something like this image, with more wings and eye motifs... possible eldritch tentacles/more divine elements


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