Selecting rank schedule bug?


New member
In the original patch note

It states that I can only select a schedule in a region once every 7 days. I tried changing my region to NA to play a ranked game and choose a schedule. Once I went back to my initial region which is Asia, I could not pick a schedule anymore in that region. Is this a bug or intended? If it is intended I really hope we can change a schedule once again since it wasn't clear in the patch notes. It stated that you can only pick a schedule once every seven days and was not specified that you can also only pick 1 region every 7 days.
I had initially picked Europe 1, but since ranked never went up on EU on the 15th. I tried to override region to NA and see if ranked was available there which resulted in being stuck on NA Schedule 22-01 and 04-07... Anyone has a possible fix for this yet?
is there a way to change the rank schedule that i am now aware of? when ranked was released it said we could change every seven days and i havent been able to change once.