Scales of Time - Lower cooldown for one ability, higher for the others


New member
Scales of Time - T3, Vitality
- Passive: Imbue an ability with 15% cooldown reduction. Every other ability has their cooldowns raised by 10%.
- Some stamina recovery
- Some health recovery

Saw a post about cooldown items and thought this would be a funny idea.

What if we min-maxxed even harder? Take your favorite ability and spam it even more at the cost of your other abilities taking longer between uses.

Why a vitality item and not spirit? Just feels nicer to have it give health instead of straight power since an ability-focused build should not necessarily equate to spirit-focused.

Also because the stats it gives sound neater for the theme of the item: it's all about time, so what about reducing the cooldown on your movement and faster health regen?
Currently cooldown is already way too strong, a lot of abilities with items dont even have any downtime. So making a single ability even more spammable seems like an issue.
This would be great if cooldowns were longer though.
Currently cooldown is already way too strong, a lot of abilities with items dont even have any downtime. So making a single ability even more spammable seems like an issue.
This would be great if cooldowns were longer though.
I have to disagree, they only feel spammable late game if you buy every single CDR item. Could probably make some stipulations though, like unable to imbue an ability already imbued with superior cooldown.
feels like you play a character that builds solely into 1 skill and you want to buff yourself. the fact you suggested it to be vitality instead of spirit just goes into this stronger.

if you play a splatter viscous for example you can more or less ignore the other abilities, 90% of your damage comes from splatter. reducing its cooldown is a nobrainer, even if it would increase the other cooldowns. and you can already make use of 4 spirit slots and 4 flex slots with nothing but spirit in them and still wish you could fit more spirit. making this item vitality just feels like you are dreaming of some 1 button build for yourself tbh.

overall bad idea imo. the game should not lean even more heavily into 1 button builds. there are already too many characters that lack almost any and all depth.
I dont think we need another cooldown reduction item, currently there are 5 items that give cooldown reduction. Spiritual overflow, life rebirth, divine kevlar, superior cooldown and enchanted barrier.
feels like you play a character that builds solely into 1 skill and you want to buff yourself. the fact you suggested it to be vitality instead of spirit just goes into this stronger.

if you play a splatter viscous for example you can more or less ignore the other abilities, 90% of your damage comes from splatter. reducing its cooldown is a nobrainer, even if it would increase the other cooldowns. and you can already make use of 4 spirit slots and 4 flex slots with nothing but spirit in them and still wish you could fit more spirit. making this item vitality just feels like you are dreaming of some 1 button build for yourself tbh.

overall bad idea imo. the game should not lean even more heavily into 1 button builds. there are already too many characters that lack almost any and all depth.
Making a lot of assumptions here. And what's wrong with building into one skill? Many fun builds involve imbuing one ability. As for your issue with it being vitality: ????. I just thought it'd be better for diversity. If this was a spirit item, it'd be a no-brainer with the bonus spirit power inherent to the category, and you'd have two items right next to each other solely for CDR.