Run-it-Back 3000 Vitality


Run-it-Back 3000 Vitality (+17% Base Health)
+1 charge of fast zipline
+1 Stamina
+10% Ammo, Weapon Damage and Stamina Recovery
+75 Bonus Health
I really digg an item that effects the zipline! LoL and Dota 2 both have items that can get a player back to lane faster. The one thing I would add to your item would be 35%-50% reduced cooldown for zipline charges.

I think an item like this is appealing for players that enjoy the Macro gameplay. Split pushing lanes. Backing during landing phase to full heal etc.
I hope the devs see this and at least consider some sort of Zipline or Teleport into lane item!
This is my first MOBA, I don't have experience with DoTA or LoL. I tried both and played a little bit of the wc3 mod but couldn't get into them. I really enjoy Deadlock though because it's really just Overwatch with different objectives to me and the moba elements are pretty easy to understand for me. Before this I mostly played cs, val and single player.

The way I had +1 charge working in my head is that you would have the normal cooldown for both charges and you could use 2 fast ziplines back to back but you'd have to wait the 4 minutes or whatever it is to recover a charge. I think having a flat reduction in the cooldown timer would make it where it's a must buy item for every build or it isn't strong enough to really be noticed and doesn't get bought.

If it was a 50% CD reduction I would put it in every char I played. If it was 35% or less I probably would never buy it. I'm not sure where the line is. Maybe a cheap 500 item with 1 or 2 fast zipline uses and then the item is destroyed would also be a good idea.
This is my first MOBA, I don't have experience with DoTA or LoL. I tried both and played a little bit of the wc3 mod but couldn't get into them. I really enjoy Deadlock though because it's really just Overwatch with different objectives to me and the moba elements are pretty easy to understand for me. Before this I mostly played cs, val and single player.

The way I had +1 charge working in my head is that you would have the normal cooldown for both charges and you could use 2 fast ziplines back to back but you'd have to wait the 4 minutes or whatever it is to recover a charge. I think having a flat reduction in the cooldown timer would make it where it's a must buy item for every build or it isn't strong enough to really be noticed and doesn't get bought.

If it was a 50% CD reduction I would put it in every char I played. If it was 35% or less I probably would never buy it. I'm not sure where the line is. Maybe a cheap 500 item with 1 or 2 fast zipline uses and then the item is destroyed would also be a good idea.
I have just over 7,000 hours in Dota 2 and roughly 3000 in LoL. Not to mention handfuls of other strategy games.

Anyhow. Lets think about the item, its pros/cons and how much you sacrifice to have it as an item, and if it can be abused to the point where EVERY character would get it for meta.

10% ammo and +75 Bonus health + 1 stamina for base stats makes it pretty desirable. This item would be at cheapest one of the 1200 cost items. No way you could get all of that for a early game item. Now there are a lot of heros around this price point that NEED survivability for Tempo, or want to pick up more damage. By immediately picking up an item that doesn't help you win a 1v1 exchange compared to other Vitality/Weap/Spirit items, you are already at a disadvantage for pvp trades. Any hero with a 20% weapon damage or a spirit burst item...or additional ability charges has a big advantage over you when you choose to engage them. Some heros in this game are good enough where you can buy any items, and the hero still feels strong (for casual play). Where other heros, (typically the CQC ones) have a massive drawback if you pick up the wrong item at the wrong time. All of the tempo heros really need early game items to keep up. So a 1200 cost item that only really puts you back in lane faster is not desirable. Even if it had +1 charge and 50% faster cooldown.

Another way to look at it is like this. I am a fairly good player. If I crush my enemy, and im taking multiple towers 1 after another .. if I had invested in an item like this.. but im snowballing, im really getting negative value from it. If you are not cycling its charges EVERYTIME the item is up. Then it is a poor investment. If I stay alive for the full cooldown of my speed zip, and I have been staying out of base, buying from secret shops and roaming the map, then I would certainly not want to have this item. I want to be strong and continue my snowballing.

Its biggest benefit for an item like this is for Ratting (common moba term when avoiding fights and focusing on split pushing and taking objectives while the enemy team and your team pretend the game is team deathmatch lol). Fully leveraging this item as a high mobility hero with a build that hits towers hard... uses majestic leap to run away when the enemy team catch on.. and just being overall a massive nuisance around the map would be its biggest strength.

I dont think it would be strong enough where it is a MUST HAVE for every character. If you and I are both our team front-runners in souls, player kills, and damage output, and I invest my money into a Vitality item with a shield that also gives me more damage, I immediately gain a big advantage over you. You can use your extra zip charge to run back to base while I am knocking on your front door. Now its time to defend you base against a hero that has health and damage advantage over you. I suppose when I kill you you can zip back out again.. But im at your front door so you prob wont use your fast zip.

In short, when you really think about how important attribute points, survivability, and damage is for a game like this, an item like this becomes far more situational and a strategic purchase.

If you are not accustomed to MOBAS I can see why the item would seem overpowered. Its because fast zip FEELS really good. It is a quality of life mechanic first, and a strategic one second. Coming back into lane fast feels awesome. Its gets you back into the fight right away so you can defend your tower. But by its nature, most heros would need to have died, or be running away to use this item. The only ones abusing it would strategically would be a few. I think it would be meta in competitive play for 1 person on your team to have this item for sure.

Imagine, everyone on the enemy team has this item. But everyone on my team has an additional 6k costing Weapon/Spirit/Vitality item. 6k items are all SUPER STRONG. Think about the overall power advantage one team would have over the other team. Read through all of the 6k costing items and really consider the slot you would be sacrificing for faster zipline travel and some small stats.

- Escalating Exposure
- Diviners Kevlar
- Lucky shot
- Vampiric BUrst
- Leech

I think a fast travel item has its place. I dont believe a 50% reduction in cool down would be game breaking when the base stats and the cost to purchase it would balance out its tempo.

A very cool item the devs should def consider for players that want to play the map macro, and a strong consideration of how an item would find its place in competitive play.