Rubberbanding issue


New member
I have a serious rubberbanding issue whenever the Server CPU % goes up a red dot appears next to it and sometimes makes the game nearly unplayable. I’ll see my inputs go through on my screen like using an ability or a dash and then I rubberband and my action never went through. This often puts me in positions where I dash incorrectly or just can’t play at all.

I’ve monitored my task manager performance stats and nothing seems out of the ordinary, I don’t know what I could do to fix this.
You mention looking at task manager... is this in a matchmaking lobby or in "offline" local lobby... Ie. Is your machine the server CPU or is it a Valve server?
I look at the task manager while in game while the issue is actively happening and it shows the server CPU % go up in the game client on the bottom right which is when the lag happens. But my CPU stays at 20-40% pretty consistently. Every once in a while I’ll get a random spike on my computer CPU usage but it doesn’t consistently happen when the rubber banding starts. Only the server CPU seems to coincide with the rubberband, I’ll try to get footage of what’s happening later today.
This happens to me as well constantly when there's too many particle effects at once. It really kicks up post 10 minutes when the game is starting to really get going and everyone is performing more actions across the map.