Roller Derby Darby


Active member
Darby is a high rolling super-mobile skirmisher with 2 different weapons.

She has a high base movement speed and low base health.

RMB - A semi-auto pistol
LMB - A machine pistol.

She can basically use both guns simultaneously, maybe with a very small delay between left and right. They have close-to-mid-range falloff.

1 - Throw a sticky bomb projectile, if an enemy is hit, they will be knocked down after arming, else if a surface is hit, enemies in the AOE will be knocked back.

2 - Darby speeds forward, damaging and knocking enemies aside.

3 - Fire a grapple, if an enemy is hit they wil be damaged & she wil be dragged behind them, else if a surface is hit, she wil pull herself to it. But she doesn't pull herself right to enemies in the air like Yamato, but she can keep up with them on the ground.

4 - Darby traps enemies inside of a roller rink that allies can enter, allies inside gain movement speed, Darby also has significantly reduced cooldowns inside.