Roaming Shop: The Broker


(I dunno if this should go here or elsewhere but it relates to items, so…) I think item slot categories are cool, but I think bending the rules to do weird or powerful item synergies is also cool.

Faustian bargain NPC who spawns after a minimum game time, in random, hidden locations around the map. He will teleport to a new spot after a couple of minutes. Only his initial appearance is announced, and he does not appear on the minimap.

The Broker can do two things for you when you’re in his radius:

1. You can sell to him in his buy menu by clicking on your inventory in the bottom left, as usual. But beware, he’s not really licensed, so you’re getting back unsecured souls. But why would you do this? Well…

2. His special buy menu is just your own inventory. But if you click on any of your items, you’ll see that you can pay half the cost of that item in order to permanently change that item’s category, assuming you have a non-flex slot free. (Which is why you can sell to him if you wanna free up a slot.)

Using this service immediately causes The Broker to start a short (~1-2m) timer, after which he will teleport away, putting him on a long cooldown similar to midboss. In every instance of The Broker respawning, each player may only use this service one time.
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