Rework Pocket


New member
The character Pocket is fun conceptually, but has a few too many weak abilities.

The first one comes from the suitcase. While it is a strong defensive and offensive option, it is a sitting duck. Since it can't move, using it to escape is less valid as enemies, especially the sniper, can shoot and kill you almost instantly as soon as you pop out. (as they have been aiming at the suitcase) If it could move, even slowly, then one may be able to get behind cover, and potentially avoid an execution snipe, or other attack.

Additionally the ultimate ability is a close range channeling. which would be fine, except for all the channeling canceling characters. That and using any other ability breaks this channel. either the channeling time should be reduced or the range should be increased.
I play Pocket as my main character and he seems insanely strong. Great at dueling and has insane team fight and the only weakness is that his very early game doesn't feel great, at least I haven't figured it out yet. I've also messed with just doing a farming left click build and it seems to work fine, there's probably just better characters if you want to do that style.
Regarding the suitcase, play Pocket like you'd play Puck in DOTA 2. If they don't have an extra escape (Leap or Warp), send the teleport in a safe direction, then hide in the suitcase. You can cancel out of their suitcase invuln early, too, so it's not like enemies can be guaranteed to have a perfect shot or ability lined up against them. I can agree that their ult often feels pretty weak to use in its current state, but I disagree that it's "rework" material. Number tweaks could bring it better in line. It already suits Pocket's general gameplay of dipping in and out of close range.
Pocket is basically the only character I play and I will advocate for him fine as is. I'd say he is a strong character that is yet to be realised by many as he isn't the simplest character in the roster, and proper itemisation of him seems more crucial than some of the cast. He has some incredibly bullshit interactions which I wouldn't be surprised if they got changed. His early burst is incredible which enables some ganks and snowball. Personally I'd like if his ult had increased range, maybe along with the last upgrade as it can be difficult to get good teamfight value in some games