Rework Fortitude


New member
As of right now this item work like old dota 2 heart of tarrasque (big regen but disabled when taking hero damage), which is horrible and useless.
The current heart of tarrasque give constant small health regen which is better.

I suggest to rework fortitude similar to current heart of tarrasque in dota 2 (constant small regen).
I'm not sure about that idea, some heroes are already quite tanky and would be fairly brutal with heart of tarrasque. I think they should instead double down on it's "bonus at high HP" idea. The extra movespeed is nice, but I'd rather the item gave me something else that rewards me for being at full HP. Perhaps something useful at the start of fights, like fire rate, cooldown reduction etc.
I don't think Heart of Tarrasque was useless either, just way too niche. Any hero with lifesteal would just not use it.

I do agree Fortitude feels very underwhelming at the moment. It's an item that gradually disappeared from all my builds, even on obvious candidates like Geist.
no no no, i'd like the item to give for example 1% health regen /sec with no disabled state.

there's lifesteal and damage shield but we barely got any health regen item. the current fortitude is not good because it's useless when we need it (fighting) and the bonus damage is kind of a waste for tanky build.
no no no, i'd like the item to give for example 1% health regen /sec with no disabled state.

there's lifesteal and damage shield but we barely got any health regen item. the current fortitude is not good because it's useless when we need it (fighting) and the bonus damage is kind of a waste for tanky build.
Agreed. Fortitude feels very conflicting in that regard. It's useful on heroes that want to take damage, but once they do it loses its bonuses.
no no no, i'd like the item to give for example 1% health regen /sec with no disabled state.

there's lifesteal and damage shield but we barely got any health regen item. the current fortitude is not good because it's useless when we need it (fighting) and the bonus damage is kind of a waste for tanky build.
As i see it, the current fortitude is a roaming/ganking item, not a tank one. It gives you extra movespeed and damage at the start of fights, and lets you go farm instead of going back to base when low. I just don't know what hero is in need of this that cant heal some other way.
I think its better if fortitude doubled down on something. Right now it gives alright-ish health, but for the tier its just not enough, since other items give half its hp (and the same percentage) while having stronger bonuses. The health regen is nice but also not that much even between fights.

I would like it more if the item healed in bursts rather than percentage. For example if you dont take damage for 11 seconds, you gain 200hp every 5 seconds. This makes it feel much more rewarding to disengage, calculate your chances and fight again when you think you hit the right health threshold to win a fight.
Also the 275 hitpoints is just too little, even on builds like McGinnis turret build where you want your turrets to survive a bit longer its very questionable. And as larswillemsen already said even on Gheist it makes no sense for anyone who played around with builds a bit and looked at items of the same tier.
no no no, i'd like the item to give for example 1% health regen /sec with no disabled state.

there's lifesteal and damage shield but we barely got any health regen item. the current fortitude is not good because it's useless when we need it (fighting) and the bonus damage is kind of a waste for tanky build.
I get what you are getting at, with the health regen tank build. Its one that i sometimes play around with in rpg games to see how far i can push the regen numbers to make an ''immortal'' character.
However saying there is no health regen items is just not true, if you realy want to you can push health regen to quite high levels already.

Healing Booster a T2 vitality item boosts all your healing by 25% while giving resistance against heal reduction. This includes health regen.
If you get Shadow Weave (t4) and Healing booster, those two items alone already add +21hp/sec to your regen pool.
This can be pushed to around 50 or so health regen per second with other items.
Maybe they can add an item or two to the item pool that have a decently high health regen that scales off Healing Booster so you can reach 80hp regen per second or something like that.