TL;DR: Here's an imgur album showing this. Do a full-screen comparison between each picture quickly and you can easily see how the reticles change and have varied offsets depending on the hero. Look at all the pictures in a slideshow, the reticle and dot positions are all over the place...
I, like some others, noticed that the crosshair dot is off-center of the pip lines and the dot outline.
I dug a little deeper and tried using a reticle overlay software (HudSight) that I use for most games where I want a custom crosshair. Usually it's a simple 2px thick cross with a gap, and a 2x2 dot in the middle. Hudsight is perfectly centered in every game I've played, except Deadlock...
What my centered custom crosshair showed is that the reticle centering in this game is all over the place, especially because it varies depending on the hero and ability.
It seems to only be a problem with the horizontal offset, not the vertical.
MANY ability reticles, like the rhombus shaped reticles for many throwable abilities, are off by 1px left or right. For example, Vindicta's sniper ultimate, the red dot laser is centered, but the gray crosshair scope dot behind it is not.
The problem goes further because it's not just abilities reticles that are misaligned, but also the general reticles of EVERY hero. Some are misaligned left and some are misaligned right. Not just the center dots, but also the dot outlines, and pips.
Basically everything is off-centered left or right somehow.
I, like some others, noticed that the crosshair dot is off-center of the pip lines and the dot outline.
I dug a little deeper and tried using a reticle overlay software (HudSight) that I use for most games where I want a custom crosshair. Usually it's a simple 2px thick cross with a gap, and a 2x2 dot in the middle. Hudsight is perfectly centered in every game I've played, except Deadlock...
What my centered custom crosshair showed is that the reticle centering in this game is all over the place, especially because it varies depending on the hero and ability.
It seems to only be a problem with the horizontal offset, not the vertical.
MANY ability reticles, like the rhombus shaped reticles for many throwable abilities, are off by 1px left or right. For example, Vindicta's sniper ultimate, the red dot laser is centered, but the gray crosshair scope dot behind it is not.
The problem goes further because it's not just abilities reticles that are misaligned, but also the general reticles of EVERY hero. Some are misaligned left and some are misaligned right. Not just the center dots, but also the dot outlines, and pips.
Basically everything is off-centered left or right somehow.