Example REPLAY MATCHID: 28509095 (STILL NOT WORKING AS OF 25/11/2024)
The animations work in the beginning loading phase where everyone is facing each other, but when we TP to the zipline, much like in-game currently, we have no zip-line animation and this extends to all the animations in the game in the replay as well as HUGE BUGGY minion/ walker models, stretching of player models, etc.
DIFFERENCE IS THAT in a real match, the zip-line animations FIX THEMSELVES a few seconds on the zipline at the beginning of the match.

The animations work in the beginning loading phase where everyone is facing each other, but when we TP to the zipline, much like in-game currently, we have no zip-line animation and this extends to all the animations in the game in the replay as well as HUGE BUGGY minion/ walker models, stretching of player models, etc.
DIFFERENCE IS THAT in a real match, the zip-line animations FIX THEMSELVES a few seconds on the zipline at the beginning of the match.