Repeated frame-drops due to client attempting to catch up to server


New member
In a match earlier today (ID 4587369) I found the game freezing usually every minute, but sometimes as often as every 10-20 seconds, even while doing things like purchasing items in spawn, or walking around trying to test it.

After opening the console, I found that the game is consistently outputting this error:

[Client] Current tick is 129610, but we have received a message for tick 129618. Processing all messages up to 129618 now.
[Client] Last server executed command is 128789 on tick 129618. Duplicating command 128786 3x to catch up. New outgoing command is 128789
[Client] Slamming client tick to server tick. abs( server tick 129618 - client tick 129604 = 14 ) > ( cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3 + sim ticks 6 = 9 )
Excessive frame time of 150.51ms clamped. Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms. (Last amnesty was 'ConsoleVisible', 3.67s ago)
127.86ms Frame Boundary

I have absolutely no clue what might be causing this - it has happened again in 1-2 other matches but my end-of-game ping stats show no issue on my end, and even if so, I don't see why a network error would be causing my FPS to tank?

Performance report from post-game:
[VProf] -- Performance report --
[VProf] Summary of 162154 frames. (35136 frames excluded from analysis.)
[VProf] FPS: Avg=100.2, P1=47.5
[VProf] All frames Active frames
[VProf] Avg P99 N Avg P99
[VProf] -------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
[VProf] FrameTotal 9.98 21.07 162154 9.98 21.07
[VProf] Client Rendering 6.78 11.47 162154 6.78 11.47
[VProf] Frame Boundary 4.61 9.71 162154 4.61 9.71
[VProf] Present_RenderDevice 1.53 5.00 162154 1.53 5.00
[VProf] Client Simulation 1.40 2.80 162154 1.40 2.80
[VProf] PanoramaUI 1.18 3.58 162154 1.18 3.58
[VProf] ClientSimulateTick 0.79 2.42 95109 1.35 2.57
[VProf] Prediction 0.66 2.05 162154 0.66 2.05
[VProf] ClientSimulateFrame 0.61 2.06 162154 0.61 2.06
[VProf] Unaccounted 0.51 1.35 162154 0.51 1.35
[VProf] Networking 0.44 1.50 95254 0.75 1.62
[VProf] Interpolation 0.39 0.79 162154 0.39 0.79
[VProf] Client Physics 0.22 0.82 162154 0.22 0.82
[VProf] Client_Animation 0.20 0.56 95109 0.35 0.58
[VProf] Client Input/Output 0.15 1.43 162154 0.15 1.43
[VProf] ClientSimulate_Think 0.09 0.28 95109 0.16 0.32
[VProf] FileSystem 0.00 0.00 51 0.16 1.97
[VProf] VProfLite stopped.

I've also attached my connection info txt.

