Red the riding hood character inspired


New member
Little Hood here is just a little sweet little girl. But she has a little curse that was cast on her. She becomes a werewolf.
She had to flee the old continent and hoping that the new world would be more safe for her.
But she was wrong, the baxter society hunts her and now she wants to find peace. And sumoning the patron is the only way for her to get that.

As a human hood here have a uzi as a main weapon. In her kit as a human she is holding on her main hand the uzi to deal damage, but she is also holding her cute little basket on the other hand. What's in it, heal pie for her teamates. She is quite squishy so to retreat she has to drop a mine and hoping that no one would chase her.
- For those that may know, it's quite inspired to one darkstalker character.

Her ult is that she become the wolf. And all her kit quite change. Still using her main weapon, but maybe go akimbo. but her kit also have claws that can bleed opponent. ALso cast some kinda of snot or anything like that that can slow down opponent. And another capacity that reinforce her.

And it's up to her cancel the ult or not. Of course there will be a time limit to how long she can stay in her form but she buy item to hold the form longer. Or she can stay human the entire time, it's up to the player.
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I think it does need some more tweaks make a more original character. I did this artwork and thought about the name Jeanie.
That's looking good, I kinda wanted her to have a red hood, because it will have the blood stain from the poor soul she will kill. But that could works too, and maybe with eyes that are yellow to add more emphasis on the beast that she will become.
I still think that giving her a weapon in human form would be good. But when she transorm into a beast, then she will get the metal claws. That would be great imo.
That's looking good, I kinda wanted her to have a red hood, because it will have the blood stain from the poor soul she will kill. But that could works too, and maybe with eyes that are yellow to add more emphasis on the beast that she will become.
I still think that giving her a weapon in human form would be good. But when she transorm into a beast, then she will get the metal claws. That would be great imo.
Maybe the magic that surrounds her could change her hood color? Yeah it sounds silly, the idea of red blood sounds more interesting. So she would have some kind of Red Hood Disease, or would she be in control of herself when being a beast?
Maybe the magic that surrounds her could change her hood color? Yeah it sounds silly, the idea of red blood sounds more interesting. So she would have some kind of Red Hood Disease, or would she be in control of herself when being a beast?
she would be in control of herself when being a beast, kinda of a rage state I would say. I mean the player is in control for sure. And it's the reason why she is hunted by the baxter society. And like I said, more like a curse that the great wolf casted on her. And she would want to get rid of it for sure by sumoning the patrons.
what if the ult is a real ability as well? like a leap, something like warwick, a big pounce for the transformation on top of stats she should probably thematically get like resistences and move speed this coudl be the movement skill on her human form. then perhaps something a kin to greymake from hots swipe like a short slide and dice from shiv but its cd refund is based on normal or other attacks rather than itself.

About the hood i think it should not be red, but had red from the unfortunate victims of the beast, so while human you can still see there's something more than meets the eye.

I personally don't love yamato, lone druid or lycan from dota transformation styles. i get the im revving up but man i became a BEAST LETS GO! something like greymane who lunges in to transform to a worgen or how smite does it. Sometimes a small cast animation but realy short and you can still move like cthulu, cuhulain or set. i like if something happens on cast, i would prefer the lunge, but perhaps a might howl that slows or gives like a tremble/drunk effect from fear where the character strafes uncontrolably for 1s or smth.