Recurring long-term... packet loss? rubber banding?

Shrimp Wheeler

New member
I've been having lots of issues with performance for the past 3 or so weeks. I won't say the issues didn't happen before then but it feels like there may have been a patch that exacerbated things at least.

1. Main issue: when not playing on fullscreen, I will get long spans (I've had at least 20 seconds before) of the game seeming to rubber band me around, not let me shoot or recognizably (on my end) perform actions except... kind of jitter around in vaguely the direction I want, eventually. It is the kind of effect I might expect from packet loss. Sometimes this is accompanied by a severe FPS drop (down to say 2FPS) and sometimes not.
-I recently had a game ID 442372 where this happened near the end, I was playing Geist and a Warden came and killed me. The issue ended when I died/by the time I respawned.
2. Fairly often severe FPS drops near the start of games, like before the 3rd trooper waves come in.

Maybe related stuff:
3. When playing on fullscreen mode, the game will force-minimize and, after several seconds hanging when attempting to re-open, it will apparently catch up by playing action quicker for a bit. I don't have game IDs for this (though I have previously reported) because I have stopped playing fullscreen. But I suspect it is related as it takes the place of my other issues when I do play fullscreen.
4. Even without frame drops, the game runs at pretty low FPS. I have to turn down the settings a lot. Now I only have an i7-3770 3.40GHz, 16gb RAM, and Radeon RX580 but I mean I get in the realm of 40-60 frames at only bottom level settings. I play Deadlock with a lot of people with worse computers that do fine. Again, maybe related.
i also have some problems only with Deadlock.
If i play ONLY 1920 1080 fullscreen or borderless my game freezes every 2 sec for 0.5 sec without any fps drops, but if i select windowed mode or select lower resolution in fulscreen everything is fine
my computer: 6600xt, ryzen 5 5600, 16gb ram
I forgot to note too that when 1. occurs and the FPS drop doesn't, I can perceive other player actions totally fine. They go about their business and there's nothing obviously weird like them shooting walls or whatever.