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From the under depths of the city a well known crime boss Ratking or (needs a better name :D bread is a good name, call them bread the rat idk) surfaces to settle the score.

Auto: pulls rats off its back and throws them large damage / slow fire rate or just give them a pump action shotgun.

1 Toxic gas: Small target aoe around the player causing movement slow, and minor damage
2 Rodent Lunge: Aim and lunge at a location on player hit, disable movement and burst of damage
3 Thick fur: Gain a large shield and increase damage but reduce your movement speed.
4 Vermintide: Large AOE circular wave of rats pulls enemies closer to your location with damage over time. or could apply slow/curse/debuff spirit

In terms of how the flow of the hero would work, id imagine that they Rodent lunge in to a target to initiate, toxic gas down to slow. Thick fur to reduce any incoming damage if countered then lunge away assuming that lunge has a short cooldown.

Vermintide would be a team fight ability so lunge into a group and drag them all in whilst putting your shield on and slow down allowing your team to dog pile in.

Rats, we're rats, we're the rats.
We stalk at night, we prey at night.
We're the rats.

This concept feels like Dynamo with a different flavor. I would do something different with the rats. Maybe they can spread toxic gas instead of pull enemies towards you. Perhaps Rodent Lunge and Thick Fur spawn rats too. Maybe the shield is composed of rats that seek revenge when damaged.
I don't see what a fur shield has to do with rats.

I feel like a rat themed hero would be a lot more mobile and acrobatic. Rats get their hardiness from their mobility, rapid breeding, and omnivory.
I think a lady giest type character but all your abilities consume your rat meter rather than your health, and all of them involve rats somehow.

The character is covered in rats that decrease based on your rat meter

Rat wave - launch a wave of x rats forward that will path towards enemy players, if touched by rat you take bleed damage. each launched rat is independent and can follow it's own path. Rats cannot climb and will scurry away after three seconds or biting an enemy. multiple will not target the same player

Remote rat - A ground based version of guided owl, but can move freely like any other player, doesn't explode on impact but has a weak bite on mouse 1 that can complete objectives like soul urn or farm crates. Can be cast while dead. If alive during cast can be swapped with the player for a teleport

idk jerma reference or something too
Honestly, I was thinking about this today.
There is a hero in the list of heroes known as hero_yakuza that has a reinforcements button as option 2 that puts a goon on allies as backup.
I think this would be very cool for a rat king idea and that he imparts rats with his allies.