Ranked Title(Badge) Translation Proposal


New member
Hello, I've seen ranked title is not translated at all, unlike other valve's multiplayer games (CS2, TF2, and Dota2)
so I did a translation proposal of current ranked title (Same in Korean community translation patch)

English - Current Translation - Translation Proposal

Obscurus - 옵스큐러스 - 은둔인

- I assume Obscurus means “someone obscured” : who is shaded or be hermited, 은둔인 means someone who hid from the out world.
Initiate - 이니시에이트 - 입교인
- 입교인 means someone newly entered into organization or religion.
Seeker - 시커 – 탐문인
- 탐문인 means someone seeks knowledge.

Alchemist - 알케미스트 – 연금술사
- 연금술사 means Alchemist.
Arcanist - 알케니스트 – 신비술사
- 신비술사 means Arcanist.
Ritualist - 리추얼리스트 – 의식술사
- 의식술사 means Ritualist.

Emissary - 에미서리 – 특임관
- 특임관 means an officer sent for a special mission. not completely corresponds with ‘Emissary’ but it is similar.
Archon - 알콘 – 집정관
- Archon is often translated into a term 집정관, an sovereign officer of the state(of ancient greek)

Oracle - 오라클 – 예지자
- 예지자 is often used as translation of Oracle, Same goes with a hero from Dota2 "Oracle"
Phantom - 팬텀 – 영존자
- This one was hard. 영존자 means highly devoted, divine cleric(or monk). It is from Budism term.
Ascendant - 어센던트 – 승천자
- 승천 means Ascending to heaven, 승천자 means someone who ascended.
Eternus - 이테르누스 – 초월자
- I assume Eternus as ‘Eternal one’, 초월자 actually means ‘Transcended one’. but I think it makes sense with “Eternal through Transcendence”.

Also, Each sets of rank shares the end letter. which each stands for :
‘인’ means non-particular person.
‘사’ means someone specialize in some skill or art.
‘관’ means officer or higher-ups.
‘자’ also means non-particular person. but more nuance are expanded further more. like “being” or "entity".

I know translating proper noun is not a good choice, but since other game’s ranked title valve made are translated into own language. Please consider my proposal.
By the way, even if you won’t accept this proposal, please make those ranked title string don't line break as image below.

Thank you always.


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